Angels in America Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angels in America Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Louis Ironson's parents live?

2. What generally embarrassing ailment does Roy discuss having in Act 1, Scene 6?

3. According to Emily in Act 4, Scene 6, how much weight has Prior lost?

4. What shocking piece of information does Joe tell Louis in the beginning of Act 3?

5. What 1986 event are the Continental Principalities discussing at the beginning of Act 5, Scene 5?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Roy Cohn tells Belize that he can get anyone to do anything for him, but in the beginning of Angels in America he uses deception to try and convince Joe Pitt to do him a favor. Analyze the reason for this deception in an essay in three parts:

Part 1) In the first act of Millennium Approaches, how does Roy present the job opportunity to Joe Pitt? Why should Joe take the job and why is Roy offering it to him?

Part 2) When Martin Heller speaks to Joe Pitt speaks to Joe about joining the Justice Department, what does he talk about? What is the Reagan administration's plan for Justice? How is this supposed to appeal to Joe and convince him to take the job?

Part 3) What is the actual reason that Roy needs Joe Pitt in Justice? When does he decide to tell him the truth? What does this say of Roy's opinion of Joe?

Essay Topic 2

Tony Kushner creates several prominent characters in the play that are not of this world. Each of these characters exists on a realm of being different from anyone else, even the other supernatural characters. Write an essay comparing three of these characters. Who are they and how have they manifested themselves onstage? With whom do they interact and what is the nature of this interaction? Are they benevolent? Violent?

Part 1) Mr. Lies

Part 2) Ethel Rosenberg

Part 3) The Angel

Essay Topic 3

Harper Pitt often communicated with people who are real but not presently in the room with her. In Kushner's world, her hallucinations provide her insight into absent people. Write an essay about three of these occasions. What does she learn from them? How do these experiences all fuel her paranoia and fear and make her feel more isolated?

Part 1) Her mutual dream with Prior in Millennium Approaches

Part 2) Joe Pitt's arrival in Antarctica in the beginning of Perestroika

Part 3) Joe and Louis's argument in the midst of the Diorama at the Mormon Visitor's Center

(see the answer keys)

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