Angelfall Test | Final Test - Easy

Susan Ee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angelfall Test | Final Test - Easy

Susan Ee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did the Great Earthquake hit San Francisco and cause massive devastation from the fires that broke out as a result?
(a) 1921.
(b) 1906.
(c) 1901.
(d) 1911.

2. What second item does Penryn order from the Tweedle brother in order to have him return to the hotel room in Chapter 34?
(a) A plate of spaghetti.
(b) A chocolate bar.
(c) A bag of potato chips.
(d) A slice of pie.

3. In Chapter 21, Penryn says that about a dozen soldiers had run toward the scream. Now, as she stands by the hiding place where she stored the wings with Raffe, how many soldiers does she see still standing?
(a) 3.
(b) 5.
(c) 10.
(d) 2.

4. Which of Paige’s friends does Penryn describe in Chapter 31 as having been “born with stumpy arms and tiny, malformed hands”?
(a) Will.
(b) Ben.
(c) Judith.
(d) Alex.

5. After changing clothes, Penryn drives through the crowd on what street as she makes her way toward the aerie in the beginning of Chapter 27?
(a) Page Mill.
(b) Montgomery Street.
(c) Skyline Boulevard.
(d) Haight Street.

6. In Chapter 26, Penryn describes the “end of the world when a box of crackers is worth more than” what?
(a) "A mansion."
(b) "A BMW."
(c) "A Mercedes."
(d) "A Cadillac."

7. What kind of pants does Raffe change into in Chapter 24?
(a) Blue jeans.
(b) Leather biker pants.
(c) Cargo pants.
(d) Plaid slacks.

8. What happened to the angels stationed on Earth that married human women and had hybrid children, according to Raffe in Chapter 25?
(a) They were condemned to the Pit until Judgment Day.
(b) They were promoted to God’s Messengers.
(c) They were banished to Mount Olympus.
(d) They were banished to live on Earth forever.

9. What objects, which make Penryn think of her mother, are found near the girls hanging from the tree in Chapter 24?
(a) Flowers and twigs.
(b) Butter knives.
(c) Rotten eggs.
(d) Pots and pans.

10. What area of San Francisco does Raffe tell Penryn to drive to in Chapter 26?
(a) The museum district.
(b) Buena Vista.
(c) The financial district.
(d) Chinatown.

11. Approximately how many room service attendants does the woman tell Penryn there are at the hotel in Chapter 34?
(a) 6.
(b) 5.
(c) 3.
(d) 4.

12. The waiter that steps in as the Politician angel is about to speak to Penryn turns out to be whom in Chapter 30?
(a) Beliel.
(b) Michael.
(c) Tweedledee.
(d) Uriel.

13. Who was the Messenger angel that was killed in the novel?
(a) Gabriel.
(b) Judiah.
(c) Michael.
(d) Judas.

14. The angel Laylah is described by Penryn in Chapter 32 as looking like the mold for what mythological goddess?
(a) Aphrodite.
(b) Esmerelda.
(c) Athena.
(d) Venus.

15. When Penryn notices that the soldiers have their rifles aimed at about the height of their waists, she questions whether what animal might have killed the other soldiers in Chapter 21?
(a) A mountain lion.
(b) A rabid fox.
(c) A wolf.
(d) A bear.

Short Answer Questions

1. What weapon does one of the men threaten to attack Penryn and the Tweedle brother with before Penryn’s mom arrives and intervenes in Chapter 35?

2. What color eyes does Penryn describe the white-suited angel whom she’s trying to get to the bathroom as having in Chapter 31?

3. Who does the albino angel say wants the position of messenger “so badly he's practically combing our feathers with his own hands to get the supermajority support he needs” in Chapter 31?

4. What has Penryn ordered from room service when one of the Tweedle brothers finally brings it in Chapter 34?

5. Laylah tells Raffe in Chapter 32, “We’re not made to be alone. No more than” what are?

(see the answer keys)

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