The Ancient Child Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ancient Child Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does Worcester Meat think he will live?
(a) Five days.
(b) Three days.
(c) Two weeks.
(d) One month.

2. What does Grey feel as she saw Set driving into Mottledmare's property?
(a) Apprehension.
(b) Relief.
(c) Worry.
(d) Fear.

3. What does Dr. Terriman say about Lola Bourne''s ability to help Set?
(a) Your love is powerful enough to cure him.
(b) Love is all you need.
(c) The love of 100 women would not be enough.
(d) Love will see him through.

4. What does Set have to learn to converse with Lela?
(a) Weaving.
(b) An oblique, proper form of conversation.
(c) Navajo.
(d) To speak frankly.

5. Why did the Kiowa people decide to move?
(a) It got colder.
(b) They needed more space.
(c) There were wars and disasters.
(d) They were restless.

6. Who helps Milo Mottledmare transport Worcester Meat?
(a) Dog.
(b) Murphy Dicks.
(c) Jessie.
(d) Dwight Dicks.

7. What does Set do each night?
(a) He waits patiently for the day to end.
(b) He goes for a run.
(c) He opens the medicine bundle.
(d) He watches television.

8. How did his stay at Lukachukai affect Set?
(a) It had confused him.
(b) It had separated him from all that was familiar.
(c) It had cleared his mind.
(d) It had frightened him.

9. What did Koi-ehm-toya's great-great-grandson put on his shields?
(a) Powerful medicines.
(b) Planes and lines.
(c) Ancient designs.
(d) Tsoai.

10. What kept Maman-ti from dismounting to take shelter from the storm?
(a) The ground was covered with tarantulas.
(b) There were snakes in the road.
(c) Ghosts have no need of shelter.
(d) The ground was too muddy.

11. What does Alais Sancerre notice about Set's body after they have slept together?
(a) He is pale and sickly looking.
(b) He has hair everywhere on his body.
(c) He is tense and tight-muscled.
(d) He is muscular and strong.

12. What does Bent tell Set when Set sees a vision of Bent in the garden?
(a) Bent is looking for the dog.
(b) Bent is looking for the boy.
(c) Bent is looking at the flowers.
(d) Bent is looking for his glasses.

13. When Set returns to his adoptive father Bent's house, who does he see at first in his mind's eye?
(a) Himself as a boy.
(b) Lukie.
(c) Senora Archuleta.
(d) Bent.

14. Where does Worcester Meat go after he has been sick for thirteen more days?
(a) To the forest.
(b) To the bed where Kope'mah died.
(c) To the hospital.
(d) Home to his little house.

15. What was the last dream of Koi-ehm-toya's great-great-grandson?
(a) The beautiful horse, Dog.
(b) The stars forming the Big Dipper.
(c) The bear scratching at Tsoai.
(d) The children moving into the woods.

Short Answer Questions

1. What caused the Piegan people to continue to believe in the boy who turned into a bear?

2. What does each man of the plains look at first upon waking?

3. What does Grey believe will bring Set to her?

4. How long is Set hospitalized?

5. What does Set find in his old bedroom?

(see the answer keys)

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