An American Tragedy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An American Tragedy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What city does the final chapter take place in?
(a) San Francisco
(b) Los Angeles
(c) Kansas City
(d) New York City

2. What does Clyde dispose of at the Cranston's?
(a) His camera
(b) His tripod
(c) His letters to Roberta
(d) His wetsuit

3. What name does Mason refer to Sondra as?
(a) Miss Lover
(b) Miss Y
(c) Miss Seducer
(d) Miss X

4. Which two families leave town for two weeks?
(a) The Griffiths and the Cranstons
(b) The Griffiths and the Finchleys
(c) The Finchleys and the Cranstons
(d) The Finchleys and the Masons

5. Where is the jail situated?
(a) Lycurgus
(b) Ucita
(c) Albany
(d) Bridgeburg

6. What lake does Clyde take Roberta to?
(a) Big Bitten Lake
(b) Love Lake
(c) The Great Lake
(d) The Clyde

7. What does Clyde discover in the newspaper the next morning?
(a) Roberta is alive
(b) Roberta's body has been discovered
(c) His mother is dead
(d) A warrant is out for his arrest

8. Where does Charles bury his tripod?
(a) In the woods
(b) At the lakeside
(c) In the sinking sand
(d) In a field

9. What do divers find in the lake?
(a) Clyde's tripod
(b) Clyde's camera.
(c) Clyde's shoes
(d) Clyde's pants

10. What does Clyde throw at Roberta's head?
(a) Coins
(b) A paddle
(c) A camera
(d) A baseball

11. How far does Mason say Clyde had to swim ashore?
(a) 250 feet
(b) 1,000 feet
(c) 100 feet
(d) 500 feet

12. Which character tampers with the evidence?
(a) Deputy Kraut
(b) Clyde
(c) Burton Burleigh
(d) Mason

13. What does Clyde receive from Sondra?
(a) A parcel
(b) A dog
(c) A letter
(d) A wedding ring

14. What does the Judge deny the defense?
(a) A change of jury
(b) A change of venue
(c) Witnesses
(d) A new defendant

15. Why does Orville Mason need a strong criminal case?
(a) For money
(b) For the political elections
(c) To move away from commercial law
(d) To keep his job

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Clyde call his plan?

2. What is the name of Samuel's legal representative?

3. How long does Clyde's mother go home for?

4. What town does Roberta want Clyde to meet her in?

5. What city does Samuel Griffith move his family to?

(see the answer keys)

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