Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How does Sybil describe Inspector Goole’s manner?
2. Where does Eric say he met Mrs. Birling?
3. About what do Arthur and Gerald express doubt?
4. Who reenters in Act III?
5. Who does Eric blame for Mrs. Birling’s death?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Arthur accuse the other characters of doing?
2. Why does Sybil change her mind and say the real culprit in Mrs. Birling’s suicide is not Mrs. Birling but the father of her child?
3. How does Sybil say Mrs. Birling described the father of her child?
4. How does Sybil react when Inspector Goole shows her the photograph of Daisy Renton?
5. What excuse does Gerald give to the hospital for making the call?
6. Why does Eric say he had sex with Mrs. Birling?
7. How do the four members of the Birling family react to the news that Inspector Goole was most likely not a real police detective?
8. What is the meaning of Inspector Goole’s closing monologue?
9. What does Sybil say is unique about her relationship with Inspector Goole compared to the others?
10. What charitable things does Gerald do for Daisy Renton?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Among the major characters of the play, Gerald and Sheila have one of the few relationships that is not familial. Like many love relationships, their connection is complicated because they have their similarities and their differences. Write an essay exploring the dynamics of the relationship between Gerald and Sheila.
Essay Topic 2
One of the themes introduced in the play is that of universal morality. Is there a universal ethic to which we must all subscribe? Write an essay exploring whether or not you agree with Inspector Goole that the five other major characters – Arthur, Sybil, Eric, Sheila, and Gerald – are responsible for the suicide of Eva Smith/Daisy Renton/Mrs. Birling.
Essay Topic 3
By the end of the play “An Inspector Calls,” several mysteries are introduced and left unsolved. Write an essay exploring the questions left unanswered by the author and how those mysteries affect the play.
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