An Army at Dawn: The War in Africa, 1942-1943 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rick Atkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An Army at Dawn: The War in Africa, 1942-1943 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rick Atkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What hunch of Eisenhower's in regards to General Giraud looks to be accurate?
(a) That Giraud was following orders from Petain after all.
(b) That he would not settle for less than being appointed Commander-in-Chief of all Allied forces.
(c) That Giraud was waiting out the results of TORCH before committing to the Allied cause.
(d) That Giraud was an Axis spy.

2. The average number of deaths per day during the war averaged:
(a) 9,600.
(b) 12,600.
(c) 7,600.
(d) 27,600.

3. What was Robert Murphy's mission in Algiers?
(a) To launch an insurrection of the Vichy French.
(b) To spike the guns in the shore batteries.
(c) To sabotage the Axis airfield.
(d) To escort Allied agents into the city to plant bombs.

4. What medal did Rear Admiral Hewitt win in World War I?
(a) The Purple Heart.
(b) A Medal of Honor.
(c) The rank of Admiral.
(d) The Navy Cross for Heroism.

5. The Allied success in Djedeida in November 1942 lead to what effect?
(a) The splitting of German forces into a north and south contingent.
(b) Axis abandonment of Medjez-el-Bab and a general contraction of the Axis front line.
(c) The addition of a sorely needed Allied port in Djedeida.
(d) The destruction of more than half the German tanks corp.

6. What was operation RESERVIST?
(a) A bombing attack from Gibraltar bases on Axis ports in North Africa.
(b) A clandestine mission launched by Patton.
(c) An Allied plan that spread forces across north Tunisia.
(d) A British plan to forestall the sabotage of Oran's port.

7. What became the unofficial motto of Allied forces in Tunisia?
(a) "To the last of our rations."
(b) "Kilroy was here."
(c) "It flies, it dies."
(d) "Dig or Die."

8. Inspired by the quality of the food during the Torch voyage, the 13th Armored Regiment suggested changing their battle cry to what?
(a) "For rations!"
(b) "Baaa!"
(c) "Soup!"
(d) "Salt!"

9. Old Ironsides was both the only tank division to see desert battle in WWII, and:
(a) The only tank division trained in amphibious assault.
(b) The only tank division equipped with radios.
(c) The only tank division manned by volunteers.
(d) The only tank division to receive no desert training.

10. The initial American strategy for attacking Hitler was summed up by a British general as:
(a) To isolate Germany from her Italian allies by infiltrating Austria.
(b) To stop wasting time with Japan and attack Germany with all available means.
(c) To overwhelm North Africa thereby ensuring Spanish neutrality.
(d) To go for him bald-headed and as soon as possible, by the shortest and most direct route.

11. September 1, 1939 marked the first day of a war that would last approximately:
(a) 2,000 days.
(b) 1,000 days.
(c) 3,000 days.
(d) 4,000 days.

12. The radio messages "batter up" and "play ball" meant what to the American fleet?
(a) Acknowledged French resistance and authorized retaliatory fire.
(b) Air superiority was achieved and the landing could be made.
(c) Troops are landed and on the offensive.
(d) Casablanca has been taken and forces are now to move East.

13. In the naval battle of Casablanca, Hewitt faced El Hank. What was El Hank?
(a) A coastal battery.
(b) The single German U boat deending the harbor on loan to the French.
(c) An uniquely large and rapidly firing gun turret mounted on the Jean Bart, a french battleship.
(d) A captured then renamed American battleship.

14. According to Allen, why does a soldier fight?
(a) Because that's what he's trained to do.
(b) For his country, his family, and his sense of honor.
(c) To prove that his unit is the best in the Army and that he has as much guts as anybody else in the unit.
(d) To save suffering humanity.

15. What maps of Morocco were stowed into the holds of the American fleet heading out for TORCH?
(a) Maps developed by the British Secret Service.
(b) The Encyclopedia Britannica.
(c) Copies of stolen maps from the Germans.
(d) Michelin road maps.

Short Answer Questions

1. What nickname for Eisenhower did the War Department try to suppress?

2. What encounter occurred on November 26th, one day after the successful raid on the airport in Djedeida, between newly outfitted Panzers and John Water's First Battalion, and is considered a 'draw' by the author?

3. What went wrong with operation VILLAIN?

4. What was operation WATCHTOWER?

5. What event on November 27 in Toulon represents "one of the greatest acts of self-immolation in military history," according to the author.

(see the answer keys)

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