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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What objects are in the secret room of the Population Police Headquarters with themes speaking against third children?
(a) Coins.
(b) Brochures.
(c) Signs.
(d) Textbooks.
2. When Luke reaches the stage in Chapter 31, he grabs the microphone and begins telling the crowd that this is one of whose horses?
(a) Oscar Wydell's.
(b) Philip Twinings's.
(c) The Population Police's.
(d) Aileen Mootispaw's.
3. What does Luke make for his breakfast in Chapter 22?
(a) Cereal.
(b) Scrambled eggs.
(c) Oatmeal.
(d) Toast.
4. In Chapter 22, Luke makes his way to the building where the food is and just finds what on the counter?
(a) Fruit.
(b) Fish.
(c) Soup.
(d) Bread.
5. At the beginning of a literary narrative, what is the author's providing of some background information to the audience about the plot, characters' histories, setting, and theme?
(a) Exposition.
(b) Rising action.
(c) Denouement.
(d) Climax.
6. When Luke goes to tend to the horses, he sees that none of them have been fed since the Population Police deserted the area how long ago in Chapter 21?
(a) A week.
(b) Three days.
(c) A day.
(d) Two weeks.
7. Who was a popular newscaster before the Population Police came into power but was exiled?
(a) Aldous Krakenaur.
(b) Mr. Talbot.
(c) Oscar Wydell.
(d) Philip Twinings.
8. Whose voice does Luke hear in his head encouraging him to go to the stage in Chapter 29?
(a) Eli's.
(b) Jen's.
(c) Nina's.
(d) Don's.
9. When Luke replays the conversation between Aldous and Oscar in Chapter 26, Luke realizes that Aldous still has power over Oscar because Aldous knows what?
(a) Where the I.D. cards are located.
(b) Where the dictator is hiding.
(c) Where the food is stored.
(d) Where Luke is located.
10. Where does Luke fall asleep in the end of Chapter 21?
(a) Rebecca's stall.
(b) Emily's stall.
(c) Sasha's stall.
(d) Jenny's stall.
11. What refers to a widespread scarcity of food, caused by several factors including crop failure, overpopulation, or government policies?
(a) Famine.
(b) Fortune.
(c) Fertility.
(d) Fatality.
12. In Chapter 29, Luke realizes that Oscar will use whatever is to his benefit to do what?
(a) Remain in control.
(b) Kill third children.
(c) Win at chess.
(d) Play basketball.
13. In Chapter 21, Luke moves through the crowd and away from all of the chaos where?
(a) Behind a rock.
(b) Under a tree.
(c) In a barn.
(d) Into a garden.
14. What does the author refer to as the location where the Population Police kept records?
(a) The secret room.
(b) The forbidden room.
(c) The locked room.
(d) The Chief's office.
15. When a handicapped boy tells his story to the interviewer in Chapter 27, Luke recognizes him as the stable hand that asked the Population Police for what?
(a) A loaded gun.
(b) A bigger suitcase.
(c) A bigger shovel.
(d) A disabled gun.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who decides to join the crowd heading to the Population Police Headquarters at the last minute in Chapter 19?
2. In Chapter 30, Luke returns where feeling defeated?
3. How long have the people been speaking for the Population Police and against third children in Chapter 31?
4. In Chapter 21, as Luke makes his way through the crowd in front of the Population Police Headquarters, he sees people doing what?
5. Where does Luke go to sleep in Chapter 28?
This section contains 519 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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