Amina's Voice Test | Final Test - Medium

Khan, Hena
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Amina's Voice Test | Final Test - Medium

Khan, Hena
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the dinner party, what does Yusuf suggest the children do when they cannot find anything on television?
(a) Go outside.
(b) Play video games.
(c) Play spin the bottle.
(d) Tell scary stories.

2. What does Imam Malik say he expects Mustafa to do?
(a) Apologize to his teacher.
(b) Memorize a specific section of the Quran and be ready to explain its meaning.
(c) Help with the carnival and participate in the Quran competition.
(d) Tell his parents what he did.

3. What is Soojin's reaction when Amina reveals that she accidentally told Bradley Emily's secret?
(a) She says Amina has to apologize to Emily.
(b) She yells at Amina.
(c) She says Amina has to tell Luke is was not true.
(d) She says it is not Amina's fault.

4. Why is Emily eating chicken nuggets for lunch?
(a) It is what the school serves that day.
(b) Her mother packed her lunch.
(c) She traded her sandwich for it.
(d) She says she only eats chicken.

5. What is the limiting factor when Amina wants to ask Thaya Jaan questions about the Quran during their study time?
(a) He is not willing to explain what the verses mean.
(b) She is too shy to ask him questions.
(c) He does not have a strong English vocabulary.
(d) She does not have a strong Urdu vocabulary.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Amina do to calm down after her studying sessions with Thaya Jaan?

2. What does Amina believe Bradley will do with the information that Emily likes Justin?

3. What does Amina do before she walks outside after her conversation with Mustafa?

4. Who came up with the idea for Mustafa's punishment?

5. What does Baba say about the reason some Muslims believe music is wrong?

Short Essay Questions

1. How and why does Amina's mood change after she hears Thaya Jaan's comment about music?

2. What is the punishment Baba gives Mustafa for being out too late, and what role does Thaya Jaan play in that punishment?

3. What is the secret Emily tells Soojin and why is Amina included in this conversation?

4. What is the conversation Amina overhears between Imam Malik and Mustafa during the break in Sunday School? What is Amina's reaction?

5. Why does Amina tell Bradley that Emily likes Justin?

6. Thaya Jaan tells Amina the meaning of a passage from the Quran. Why does the meaning upset Amina?

7. What is the problem Amina faces with regard to attending the carnival?

8. What is Baba's explanation for Thaya Jaan's attitude about music?

9. What is the comparison Amina makes to the leaves on the playground, and why does she feel this way?

10. What does Emily say about the smell of Soojin's food in the opening of Chapter 9, and why is Amina surprised?

(see the answer keys)

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