Americanah Test | Final Test - Medium

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Americanah Test | Final Test - Medium

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Emenike meets Obinze in Chapter 29, he gives him an envelope of money. How much money is in the envelope compared to how much Obinze asked to borrow?
(a) There is three times as much money as Obinze asked for.
(b) There is half as much money as Obinze asked for.
(c) There is twice as much money as Obinze asked for.
(d) There is one third as much money as Obinze asked for.

2. How is Dike's girlfriend described in Chapter 37?
(a) She is blonde.
(b) She is African.
(c) She is Hispanic.
(d) She is a redhead.

3. How are Blaine's friends described in the narrative?
(a) They are artists.
(b) They are working-class.
(c) They are academics.
(d) They are elitist bankers.

4. What percentage of Obinze's pay is demanded of him to continue using the false ID in Chapter 28?
(a) 50%.
(b) 60%.
(c) 35%.
(d) 45%.

5. Who is the security guard at a library that is falsely arrested for dealing drugs in Chapter 38?
(a) Mr. Anderson.
(b) Mr. James.
(c) Mr. Smith.
(d) Mr. White.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sound permeates the air around Ranyinudo's apartment building in Chapter 44?

2. Where is the woman from that claims she dated a white man and that race was never an issue in Chapter 31?

3. What is the title of the blog that concludes Chapter 36?

4. Who is Shan's boyfriend that calls Blaine's home in Chapter 40?

5. What does Ifemelu write she's going to do at the end of the blog post Obinze reads in Chapter 42?

Short Essay Questions

1. What ideas are addressed regarding African immigration at Emenike's dinner party?

2. What issues does Shan describe with her editor and the publication of her book?

3. What does the bookstore symbolize in Chapter 27?

4. What argument do Ifemelu and Curt have regarding women's magazines in Part 4?

5. How are the concepts of race and class in England and America compared in the narrative?

6. What connection does Ifemelu reach with Aisha in Chapter 41? What does this foreshadow?

7. What is foreshadowed through Obinze's and Ifemelu's correspondence in Chapter 42?

8. What is symbolized by Ifemely's invitation for Dike to visit her in Nigeria?

9. What is the root of Ifemelu's discomfort around Paula in the narrative?

10. What history do Obinze and Emenike have? What connects these characters?

(see the answer keys)

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