Amadeus Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Amadeus Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mozart react when the Major-Domo enters?
(a) He is embarrassed.
(b) He is happy.
(c) He is annoyed.
(d) He is excited and full of anticipation.

2. What people are the chorus members meant to represent?
(a) Salieri's cousins and nineteenth century neighbors.
(b) Eighteenth century citizens of Vienna.
(c) Nineteenth century citizens of Verona.
(d) Nineteenth century citizens of Venezia.

3. Who presently holds the position Salieri covets?
(a) Louis Van Beethoven.
(b) Count Von Strack.
(c) Count Von Oslo.
(d) Giuseppe Bonno.

4. What kind of love does Mozart claim his opera contains?
(a) Unrequited love.
(b) Sacrificial love.
(c) Young love.
(d) Manly love, real love.

5. What is meant by the words 'one must avoid music that smells of music'?
(a) Music should not be too showy.
(b) Music must be avoided if it is too passionate.
(c) Wind musicians should clean their instruments regularly.
(d) Only new music should be played, not works that have been on library shelves for years.

6. Why is a party being held at Baroness Waldstadten's?
(a) To celebrate New Year's Eve.
(b) To celebrate the Emperor's birthday.
(c) To celebrate the Feast of the Assumption.
(d) To celebrate Salieri's birthday.

7. How does Salieri finally realize the extent of Mozart's talent?
(a) He is given a report by the Venticelli.
(b) He reads the manuscript of Don Giovanni.
(c) He reads the manuscripts Constanze has left.
(d) He sneaks into a concert and hears the Clarinet Concerto.

8. What is holding up Wolfgang's and Constanze's marriage?
(a) They are awaiting Leopold Mozart's permission.
(b) They are still saving up for the reception.
(c) They are awaiting the Emperor's permission.
(d) They are trying to find a good apartment to rent.

9. What causes Salieri physical pain as he listens to the piece?
(a) Its frequent strange modulations.
(b) Its discord and atonality.
(c) Its intense beauty.
(d) The number of notes--there are too many to follow.

10. What does Constanze accuse her husband of doing?
(a) Sleeping with all his female pupils.
(b) Having an affair with the Princess Elizabeth.
(c) Sleeping in every day and not doing any work to earn them money.
(d) Sleeping with Katharina Cavalieri.

11. Where does Salieri finally meet Mozart?
(a) At the Imperial Palace.
(b) At Baroness Waldstadten's.
(c) At the Statsoper.
(d) At the Belvedere.

12. What philosophic age does Salieri refer to in his first speech for this section of the play?
(a) The Age of Englightenment
(b) The Age of Modernism.
(c) The Platonic Age.
(d) The Age of the Feuilletons.

13. What surprises Salieri's servants?
(a) His declaration that he will not go to bed that night.
(b) That he will eat cakes in bed that night.
(c) That he will shave himself in future.
(d) That he is sick of eating cakes.

14. Who invites Salieri to join the Masons?
(a) Count Rosenberg.
(b) Leopold Mozart.
(c) Emperor Joseph II
(d) Baron Van Swieten.

15. What does Salieri ask of the audience/'Ghosts of the future'?
(a) To praise his music.
(b) To recognise his music.
(c) To be his confessors.
(d) To intercede for him with the saints.

Short Answer Questions

1. What position is Mozart interested in applying for?

2. Salieri describes the opera's music as an excellent match for what?

3. How does Mozart insult Count Orsini-Rosenberg?

4. Who formally introduces Mozart and Salieri?

5. Into which well-known piece does Mozart transform Salieri's march of welcome?

(see the answer keys)

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