All the King's Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All the King's Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does not approve of Jack working for Willie?
(a) Judge Irwin
(b) Anne Stanton
(c) Jack's mother, Mrs. Burden
(d) Tiny Duffy

2. What happens to Willie's career in April of 1933?
(a) Willie has to step down for health reasons.
(b) There are impeachment proceeding initiated because of the White case.
(c) The news of Willie's affairs threatens his career.
(d) Willie receives the national endorsement to campaign for president.

3. What is the topic of Jack's dissertation?
(a) His father's maternal uncle
(b) The Civil War
(c) World War I
(d) The Fourth Estate

4. What happens during a fire drill at the school two years after it is constructed?
(a) The fire drill is actually a real fire and most of the children are overcome with smoke.
(b) The brickwork collapses causing the deaths of three children and serious injury to a dozen more.
(c) Someone pulls the fire alarm as a prank and is suspended for three weeks.
(d) The students and teachers are locked in the building.

5. In what subject did Jack pursue his Ph.D. at the university?
(a) History
(b) Sociology
(c) Literature
(d) Journalism

6. How does Jack confirm Willie's affair?
(a) Because he has seen the woman coming out of Willie's hotel room one morning.
(b) Because he confronts Willie directly.
(c) Because the woman storms into his office demanding to know about rumors of Willie seeing other women.
(d) Because Willie sends Jack to buy the woman a piece of jewelry.

7. How did Cass die?
(a) Of old age
(b) In a military hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1864
(c) From cancer
(d) In the Battle of Gettysburg

8. With whom did Adam and Anne Stanton live as children?
(a) Jack Burden
(b) Willie Stark's family
(c) Their widowed father, Governor Stanton
(d) Their godfather, Judge Irwin

9. What is the situation regarding a brick kiln and the bricks Moore would use on the awarded job?
(a) The brick kiln cannot produce the amount of bricks needed to meet the deadline.
(b) The kiln is located in another state and there are tax issues.
(c) The brick kiln cannot produce the correct color of bricks for the school.
(d) There had been a lawsuit about the inferior quality of the bricks.

10. What is Willie's wife's profession?
(a) Court reporter
(b) Secretary
(c) School teacher
(d) Nurse

11. What does Cass learn from Gilbert?
(a) How to ride a horse
(b) How to manage a plantation
(c) How to speak French
(d) How to order wine in a restaurant

12. What happens to Annabelle's husband, Duncan Trice?
(a) He is thrown from his horse.
(b) He commits suicide.
(c) He is shot accidentally while cleaning his pistols.
(d) He is shot in a bar fight.

13. Who are Willie and his entourage visiting at a farm?
(a) Willie's father
(b) Willie's mentor
(c) Willie's old coach
(d) Willie's grandfather

14. Who is the woman who works for Willie?
(a) Marie Stanton
(b) Sadie Burke
(c) Anne Stanton
(d) Lucille Burke

15. Who is Willie Stark's wife?
(a) Anne
(b) Marie
(c) Lucy
(d) Lucille

Short Answer Questions

1. Cass and his brother, Gilbert, and sister, Lavinia, were born in poverty in what state?

2. What do Willie and Jack do with Willie's father?

3. What does Willie order when everyone else orders beer?

4. What happens during the next election for governor?

5. Why do people come to hear Willie speak?

(see the answer keys)

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