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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Frau Aufsicht make several girls do for her entertainment?
(a) Tortures them.
(b) Makes the girls wait on her.
(c) Makes them stand outside naked for hours.
(d) Pull her around in a child's wagon while cracking her whip on their backs.
2. How is Abek allowed to see Gerda?
(a) He cuts himself and is able to see a nurse.
(b) He never sees her again.
(c) He escapes to visit her.
(d) He gets a new work assignment.
3. What did Abek give up to be closer to Gerda?
(a) A clerk in the accounting section.
(b) Hospital attendant.
(c) A job of portrait painting at a nearby camp.
(d) Accountant.
4. Why does Mrs Berger slap one of the girls?
(a) To enjoy violence.
(b) To prove herself to the Germans.
(c) To establish her authority among the lower ranked Jewish women.
(d) She never slaps anyone.
5. How are the girls forced to travel to the next camp?
(a) By walking in the snow.
(b) Carrying all their belongings and running.
(c) Running along side a car.
(d) By crowded trucks.
6. What number is Gerda given by the male SS guards?
(a) 855A
(b) 879A
(c) 895A.
(d) 885A
7. By 1943, how long has it been since the Germans invaded Poland?
(a) 13 years.
(b) 1 year.
(c) 4 years.
(d) 10 years.
8. What kind of hope does Frau Kugler give Gerda?
(a) That the war will end soon.
(b) That other Germans will be kind to her.
(c) The hope that not all Germans are cruel.
(d) That she will see Gerda again.
9. After the war, what does Gerda do with her life?
(a) She becomes a lecturer and an author.
(b) She becomes a teacher.
(c) She becomes an author.
(d) She becomes a housewife and a mother.
10. What does the Director of the camp use his ring for?
(a) Bribe girls into sleeping with him.
(b) Poking people's eyes out.
(c) Admire it.
(d) To make beatings worse for the girls.
11. Who sets up a hospital for the girls to recover?
(a) The Red Cross.
(b) The Czech Republic hospitals.
(c) The American Blue Cross.
(d) English Soliders Hospital.
12. How does Gerda spend her "free time" at the new camp?
(a) Meeting new girls at the camp.
(b) Wiriting letters to Abek.
(c) Creating plays.
(d) Thinking about her family.
13. What does Gerda do with the note?
(a) She tears it up before she reads it.
(b) Keeps it as evidence.
(c) Frames the note.
(d) Gives it to Ilse.
14. In the first part of the chapter, Gerda is given a note. What does the note say?
(a) Abek wishes to marry her.
(b) That her parents are alive.
(c) That Gerda has been given permission to stay in Sosnowitz.
(d) That she will be transferred to a different camp.
15. As planes fly over them, what is the general feeling among all the girls at the camp?
(a) Hope because their misery will be over.
(b) That they will be shot down.
(c) The Americans are coming to release them.
(d) They will soon be killed by the guards.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why does Frau Kugler make a very sick Gerda go to work one day?
2. What are the rumors surrounding the camp about Poland?
3. How often are the girls allowed to take showers?
4. What lie does the Camp Director tell the girls to burst their hope?
5. What do the girls eat to stay alive as they sleep outside of the church?
This section contains 614 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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