Alicia Test | Final Test - Medium

Alicia Appleman-Jurman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Alicia Test | Final Test - Medium

Alicia Appleman-Jurman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Alicia get them out of trouble with the border police?
(a) She lets them take some of her transports to prison.
(b) She gives away all of her money and earnings.
(c) She decides to forge papers to get them through the border.
(d) She agrees to go to prison in their place.

2. How was Benjamin injured?
(a) A bomb exploded in his bunker.
(b) He was shot in the arm.
(c) Shot in the leg.
(d) A land mine blew his leg off.

3. What does Alicia realize when she arrives at her father's factory?
(a) She must reclaim the factory to feel whole again.
(b) Reclaiming the factory will not bring him back.
(c) The factory is much more prosperous than she thought.
(d) She wants the factory to remain in her family.

4. What event results in Alicia's mother's death?
(a) Alicia wants to leave and go to Israel.
(b) The Germans broke through Russian lines and retake Buczacz.
(c) Her mother commits suicide.
(d) Her mother is unable to get to into a bunker hiding place and is killed.

5. Where does Alicia end up after leaving her home village?
(a) Kiev.
(b) Dnipropetrovsk.
(c) Kharkiv.
(d) Chortkov.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Alicia go to work for this person?

2. What have some of the Jewish men created in Poland?

3. After the liberation of Buczacz who decides to return?

4. Why does Alicia decide to return to her father's factory?

5. How did Alicia and her mother survive the winter of 1943?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is mother killed?

2. What hopeful news about the resistance does Alicia hear?

3. Why is Alicia so upset about this final transport?

4. Where does Benjamin wish to go?

5. How does Alicia attempt to repay her "uncle?"

6. What adventures does Alicia have while traveling to Chernovtsy.

7. In this section, what does it seem like many of the Poles want?

8. Why did the Ukrainians have such hate for many Polish people?

9. What is the very difficult practice that Alicia must endure to ensure food for not only her and her mother, but also the others living with the beekeeper?

10. What does Tzivia do with the Brecha?

(see the answer keys)

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