Alias Grace Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Alias Grace Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What different plan has Dr. Jordan come up with as to what he brings Grace?
(a) He has quit bringing anything.
(b) She can decide what she wants him to bring.
(c) He will ask her to draw a picture instead.
(d) There is no different plan.

2. What does Grace tell Dr. Jordan about her dream in the beginning of Chapter 8?
(a) She says she does not remember her dream.
(b) She heard McDermott crying.
(c) She saw red flowers.
(d) She saw Mary Whitney.

3. What does Grace do when McDermott begins to rape her on the road to Toronto?
(a) Pulls his gun on him.
(b) Runs away.
(c) Bites his ear.
(d) Kicks him in the groin.

4. What is Grace given to do in her cell the night before Grace is hypnotized?
(a) Knitting socks.
(b) Shining boots.
(c) Mending uniforms.
(d) Polishing brass.

5. Why does Grace think Nancy is afraid Thomas will begin to like Grace?
(a) Nancy does not think that.
(b) Grace is smarter than Nancy.
(c) Nancy is pregnant.
(d) Grace is younger.

6. What does McDermott tell Grace when he is standing in her room after the murders?
(a) She must keep her part of the bargain.
(b) They must leave immediately.
(c) He is going to kill her also.
(d) Nancy is not dead yet.

7. What does Dr. Jordan think the reason is that prisons are so dreary?
(a) To save money on lighting.
(b) The criminals are considered evil and should be kept in the dark.
(c) The type of people who work in prisons like dreary places.
(d) It is part of the punishment.

8. What does Grace do in the morning at the governor’s house at the beginning of Chapter 8?
(a) Repair lace on Lydia’s dress.
(b) Dust the downstairs.
(c) Talk to Dr. Jordan.
(d) Clean the kitchen.

9. What does McDermott say about the shirt he left on Kinnear?
(a) It is Kinnear’s shirt but full of blood.
(b) He does not say anything about how he left Kinnear.
(c) It is the shirt McDermott bought from Jeremiah.
(d) He had left Kinnear without a shirt.

10. What does Grace tell herself about the murders?
(a) She cannot remember all the details.
(b) She is positive she killed no one.
(c) They were a long time ago.
(d) She was not there.

11. What kind of drink does Dr. Jordan keep in the armoire in his room?
(a) Sherry.
(b) Whiskey.
(c) An herbal concoction for health.
(d) Vodka.

12. What kind of a stock investment does Dr. Jordan’s mother talk about in her letter?
(a) Timber.
(b) Automatic rifles.
(c) Hot air balloons.
(d) Sewing machines.

13. What happens one night that changes Dr. Jordan and Mrs. Humphreys’s relationship?
(a) She crawls in his bed one night.
(b) Her husband returns.
(c) She hires another maid.
(d) Dr. Jordan gets involved with a bar maid.

14. What does Dr. Jordan bring Grace in Chapter 8 that she quickly eats?
(a) A radish.
(b) An apple.
(c) A pear.
(d) A carrot.

15. Why is Mrs. Humphreys crying when Dr. Jordan returns from Grace’s hypnotism?
(a) Her husband is returning.
(b) The bank is foreclosing on her house.
(c) Her husband has been killed.
(d) She is pregnant.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the horse Mr. Kinnear drives to pick Grace up when she arrives in Richmond Hill?

2. Why won’t Dr. Jordan be able to get a shot of whiskey at Verringer’s house?

3. What does McDermott say should be done to Kinnear and Nancy when McDermott is drunk?

4. Why does Nancy suggest she and Grace sleep in Mr. Kinnear’s bedroom?

5. What song is Grace singing the first time Dr. Jordan hears her sing?

(see the answer keys)

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