Akin Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Akin Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which body part did Noah's father Marc lose within the first month of World War I?
(a) His leg.
(b) His foot.
(c) His ear.
(d) His hand.

2. What image is on the front of the journal Noah buys for Michael at the airport bookstore?
(a) A ghost.
(b) A pirate.
(c) A lion.
(d) A bear.

3. What was Noah's father's name?
(a) Stanley.
(b) Marc.
(c) Geoffrey.
(d) Michael.

4. How many photographs are contained within the mailer Noah finds in Chapter 1: The Call?
(a) 7.
(b) 9.
(c) 5.
(d) 13.

5. As Noah observes Nice from his window seat on the plane, which character does he wish were there?
(a) Joan.
(b) Vivienne.
(c) Amber.
(d) Fernande.

6. As Noah gets ready one February day to travel to a particular city in France, he reflects that he has not been there since what age?
(a) 24.
(b) 14.
(c) 4.
(d) 34.

7. How long before the narrative present did Noah's younger sister die?
(a) 3 months.
(b) 3 years.
(c) 1 year.
(d) 9 months.

8. What is Michael's response when Noah asks him where he heard a conspiracy theory about the poster's subject?
(a) TikTok.
(b) Facebook.
(c) Snapchat.
(d) His friends.

9. In what year did Joan meet her best friend Vivienne in first grade at "their tony New York girls' school" (16)?
(a) 1965.
(b) 1942.
(c) 1923.
(d) 1956.

10. What weapon does Noah bring up when he asks Michael if he has anything sharp on his person at the airport?
(a) A letter opener.
(b) An arrow.
(c) A knife.
(d) A chain.

11. What type of document does Rosa leave behind for Noah to find in Chapter II: Twenty Questions?
(a) A contract.
(b) An essay.
(c) A pamphlet.
(d) An article.

12. By what name does Noah refer to his French grandfather, the artist?
(a) Pere Sonne.
(b) Pere Soleil.
(c) Pere Mari.
(d) Pere Mardi.

13. What is the name of Noah's younger sister?
(a) Francesca.
(b) Fernande.
(c) Fiona.
(d) Fannie.

14. The epigraph of the novel classifies the novel's title as which part of speech?
(a) Noun.
(b) Verb.
(c) Preposition.
(d) Adjective.

15. What is NOT a piece of advice Rosa gives to Noah about Michael as she leaves his apartment in Chapter II: Twenty Questions?
(a) Leave him alone.
(b) Keep trying.
(c) Keep listening.
(d) Ensure that he feels safe.

Short Answer Questions

1. The first line of Chapter 1: The Call evokes the image of what kind of man "packing his bags" (12)?

2. Noah tells Michael in Chapter II: Twenty Questions that he has never "had more than" (57) how many cigarettes per day?

3. What is the name of Michael's disabled uncle who is living in Queens with friends?

4. For how many years has Joan been deceased by the narrative present?

5. Michael tells Noah that he heard the poster's subject had been orchestrated by whom?

(see the answer keys)

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