The Agony and the Ecstasy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Agony and the Ecstasy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who comes and sees the sculpture Michelangelo did?
(a) Lodovico
(b) Bertoldo
(c) Contessina de Medici
(d) Lorenzo

2. As a second problem, what must Michelangelo have if he wants to study under Bertoldo?
(a) ten thousand florins
(b) knowledge of the basics of sculpture
(c) previous art recognition
(d) an invitation from Bertoldo or one of the de Medicis

3. What does Michelangelo learn the city fathers have sent behind Piero de Medici's back?
(a) a request for mercenaries from Germany
(b) letters to the Pope
(c) a warrant for Piero's arrest
(d) a delegation to Charles VIII

4. Who is perfectly content to keep house and cook for Michelangelo?
(a) Granacci
(b) Buonarroto
(c) Argiento
(d) Lionardo

5. What does Michelangelo tell his brother about his art?
(a) that it is progressing
(b) that it is all he knows
(c) that it is holy
(d) that it is his life

Short Answer Questions

1. As Michelangelo progresses, what does he learn about life?

2. After the death of Lorenzo de Medici, where does Michelangelo find himself?

3. Who does Michelangelo use for models to perfect his knowledge of anatomy?

4. Working all day and studying all night, what do people think Michelangelo is doing?

5. What does Michelangelo recognize he must do to keep his father from taking him away?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain what Michelangelo is expected to learn in addition to his art.

2. Describe briefly the way friendship develops between Michelangelo and the contessina.

3. Describe Michelangelo's problem in trying to convince his father to allow him to study in the Sculpture Garden.

4. What does Lorenzo de Medici reveal to Michelangelo about his training?

5. What is the first problem facing Michelangelo before he can study under Bertoldo?

6. Explain how Michelangelo finds the place where he really wants to be.

7. Why doesn't Michelangelo accept the offer to return to Ghirlandaio's school?

8. Explain the surprise announcement after Michelangelo has been at Ghirlandaio's school for one year.

9. Describe how Michelangelo's ideas depart from the ideas of his teacher.

10. What is Michelangelo's dilemma while trying to learn from Bertoldo?

(see the answer keys)

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