A Whole New Life Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Whole New Life Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Price given for pain at physical therapy?
(a) Methadone.
(b) Oxycodone.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Tylenol.

2. What did Daniel Voll have installed in the house?
(a) Video monitors.
(b) An elevator.
(c) Grab bars.
(d) Ramps.

3. What was Price's original opinion of biofeedback?
(a) Indifference.
(b) Disinterest.
(c) High hopes.
(d) Optimism.

4. What was Dan's role in maintaining Price's balance of mind?
(a) Encouraging him to remain faithful.
(b) Talking him down from the proverbial ledge.
(c) Chastizing his self-pity.
(d) Nourishing his spirit with food, music and literature.

5. What put Price back in the hospital?
(a) Panic attacks.
(b) Leaking spinal fluid.
(c) Seizures.
(d) Paralysis.

6. What does Price say his health was doing while he was writing the commissioned work?
(a) Remaining steady.
(b) Declining.
(c) Oscillating wildly.
(d) Improving.

7. What did two new MRIs indicate about Price's tumor?
(a) It was completely gone.
(b) It had not returned.
(c) It was starting to grow again.
(d) It had spread.

8. Who was Eric Rector?
(a) Price's doctor.
(b) Price's teaching assistant.
(c) Price's living assistant.
(d) Price's physical therapist.

9. What did Price decide to do?
(a) Nothing at the time.
(b) Have surgery.
(c) Have radiation therapy.
(d) Forego surgery.

10. What kind of program does Price say he entered after biofeedback?
(a) Psychoanalysis.
(b) Physical therapy.
(c) Spiritual counseling.
(d) Hypnosis.

11. What did Price's doctor recommend?
(a) Radiation therapy.
(b) Surgery.
(c) Chemotherapy.
(d) No action.

12. What was Price able to do after Christmas 1985?
(a) Walk.
(b) Remember short-term and long-term memories.
(c) Return to teaching.
(d) Drive.

13. What did doctors do during Price's surgery at the end of the semester?
(a) Remove the tumor from his spine.
(b) Fuse his vertebrae.
(c) Fix his vertebrae.
(d) Remove and drain cysts.

14. What damage did the doctors find when they examined Price?
(a) He had been losing muscle mass for years.
(b) He had been damaged in surgery.
(c) His blood was getting too thin.
(d) He had broken his bones in a fall years ago.

15. What does Price say his friends thought about his condition?
(a) They thought he was in retreat from the world.
(b) They thought he was dying of AIDS.
(c) They thought he was on the verge of recovery.
(d) They thought he was harboring his strength for fighting his cancer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Reynolds Price do upon returning from his trip with Daniel Voll?

2. Where does Daniel Voll live with Reynolds Price?

3. What did MRIs indicate about Price's tumor, in 1987?

4. Who is Daniel Voll?

5. Who did Price see in Atlanta?

(see the answer keys)

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