A Whole New Life Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Whole New Life Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was Eric Rector?
(a) Price's teaching assistant.
(b) Price's doctor.
(c) Price's living assistant.
(d) Price's physical therapist.

2. What was Reynolds Price's response to the trip he took with Daniel Voll?
(a) He was appalled.
(b) He was depressed.
(c) He was humbled.
(d) He was inspired.

3. How long after biofeedback and hypnosis was Price pain-free?
(a) A year.
(b) Eight visits.
(c) Eight weeks.
(d) Eight months.

4. What was the result of the thing Dan convinced Price to do?
(a) Price lost a great deal of money.
(b) Price found new sources for his work.
(c) Price resolved old hostilities.
(d) Price enjoyed getting out more.

5. What changed when Reynolds Price injured himself?
(a) He lost all feeling in his legs.
(b) He damaged his internal organs.
(c) His pain actually decreased.
(d) His pain was so bad he couldn't lift his head.

6. Who did Price see in Atlanta?
(a) Charles Mingus.
(b) Bob Dylan.
(c) Miles Davis.
(d) James Taylor.

7. What does Price say he withdrew from?
(a) Anti-inflammatory drugs.
(b) Steroids.
(c) Regular hospital care.
(d) Radiation.

8. What changed that allowed Price to return to writing?
(a) He started to take new drugs.
(b) The tumor responded to treatment.
(c) His incision healed.
(d) He found someone else to help him around the house.

9. What was the subject Price wrote about for his commission?
(a) A gay man coming out.
(b) A woman realizing she has been deceived by her lover.
(c) A dying professor.
(d) A love affair.

10. What was Price's original opinion of biofeedback?
(a) High hopes.
(b) Optimism.
(c) Disinterest.
(d) Indifference.

11. What was the 'new demon' Price encountered after surgery?
(a) Phantom pains.
(b) Side effects of a drug.
(c) Withdrawal from a drug.
(d) Disorientation from his drugs.

12. What damage did the doctors find when they examined Price?
(a) His blood was getting too thin.
(b) He had been losing muscle mass for years.
(c) He had been damaged in surgery.
(d) He had broken his bones in a fall years ago.

13. What did Price learn to do in biofeedback?
(a) Regulate his pH.
(b) Breathe into his muscles.
(c) Focus on particular parts of his body.
(d) Isolate his muscle movements.

14. What does Price say he was taking for pain?
(a) Morphine.
(b) Ibuprofen.
(c) Tylenol.
(d) Oxycontin.

15. Where did Reynolds Price and Daniel Voll travel to together?
(a) To Arkansas for rehearsals.
(b) To Washington D.C. for a literary award ceremony.
(c) To New York for experimental treatments.
(d) To California to visit his family.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Reynolds Price find when he finally went to the hospital?

2. Who was Lawrence Wall?

3. What does Price say his outlook was, at the end of chapter 6?

4. What strength does Price say he gained as a result of physical therapy?

5. What was the result of Price's first visit with Patrick Louge?

(see the answer keys)

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