A Vietcong Memoir: An Inside Account of the Vietnam War and Its Aftermath Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Truong Nhu Tang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Vietcong Memoir: An Inside Account of the Vietnam War and Its Aftermath Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Truong Nhu Tang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Tang's early mobilization committee in Chapter 7 send Nguyen Van Hieu to Hanoi?
(a) To rid themselves of Hieu.
(b) To discuss assassination plans for Diem.
(c) To gain support from their Northern compatriots.
(d) To plan a mass emigration to America.

2. What happened to Diem and Nhu during the coup in Chapter 6?
(a) They were imprisoned in Saigon.
(b) They were able to subdue the coup and retake control.
(c) They begged for their lives inside the Palace.
(d) They were killed outside a church.

3. Who was Ngo Dinh Nhu?
(a) Prime Minister of Vietnam.
(b) Leader of the National Revolutionary Movement.
(c) A teacher at Saigon University.
(d) Organizer of the National Liberation Front.

4. Who did Albert Thao's family get to protect him from harm?
(a) Vinh Long.
(b) Bishop Thuc.
(c) Tang's family.
(d) Diem.

5. What did Tang's father decide to do when violence began to erupt in Saigon in 1945?
(a) Move the family to Thailand.
(b) Evacuate the family to the provinces.
(c) Ship his sons off to Paris.
(d) Join the armed forces.

6. What occurred on November 11, 1960?
(a) Albert Thao was discovered to be a spy.
(b) Khiem refuseed to stop a revolt.
(c) Diem's fears of a revolt were realized.
(d) Diem's brother, Nhu, was killed.

7. What did Tang's pregnant wife do when both fathers demanded the couple return home?
(a) She returned home alone.
(b) She stayed with her husband in France.
(c) She persuaded Tang to return home with her.
(d) She aborted her baby and stayed in France.

8. Who did Tang's small group meet by chance when they were dropped off near a jungle path on a prisoner exchange mission in Chapter 11?
(a) Albert Tho.
(b) Le Duc Tho's brother.
(c) Lien's husband.
(d) Tang's wife.

9. Where was Nguyen Huu Tho when Phat's men attempted to liberate him from prison?
(a) He had been executed already.
(b) Standing near the front entrance.
(c) Inside the prison house, waiting for them.
(d) Having a private visit with his family in a government compound.

10. What form of torture did Tang endure in Chapter 10, causing great pain to his eyes?
(a) Bright lights directed into his face.
(b) Electric shock.
(c) Needles near his eyes.
(d) Constant head bashing.

11. What was the first job Tang got in France after his parents stopped sending him money?
(a) Bus Driver.
(b) Political Assistant.
(c) Professor.
(d) Dishwasher.

12. What did Nguyen Van Thieu expect of Nixon and Kissinger as indicated in Chapter 12?
(a) They would become bitter enemies.
(b) They would step up the war to involve more countries.
(c) They would accept Communist victory.
(d) They would not abandon him.

13. Why did the NLF Committee meet in 1961 during Tet?
(a) So the members could meet during a celebratory time of year.
(b) Government security would be lax at that time.
(c) It was the best seasonal weather.
(d) Members could bring their family with them if desired.

14. The moment Tang or any of his brothers displayed a weakness in any school subject, what did Tang's father do?
(a) Teach them himself.
(b) Punish them.
(c) Employ a tutor.
(d) Restrict their activities.

15. What movement did Tang decide to join after his meeting with Ho Chi Minh?
(a) The Tet Offensive.
(b) Vietnamese independence.
(c) The Fourth Republic.
(d) The French Revolution.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did the guards forget to feed Tang and the other prisoners in the police headquarters for a couple of days in Chapter 11?

2. What role did the leading figure of the Committee to Defend the Peace, Dr. Pham Van Huyen, play in Diem's government in 1954?

3. What group was Tang named as president of at the age of forty-three?

4. What event pushed aside Tang's trepidations concerning military action against Diem?

5. What does "tin," a basic ethical principle in Confucianism, refer to?

(see the answer keys)

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