A Spell for Chameleon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Spell for Chameleon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the second temptation Trent gave to Fanchon and Bink?
(a) Veto power over his transformations
(b) A house in the country with servants
(c) Duke and Duchess kingdoms and a castle
(d) Their own winged centaur to fly around with

2. How did Trent rescue Fanchon?
(a) He sliced a length of vine from the kraken tree
(b) He threatened the tree
(c) He cut down the tree
(d) He transformed the tree

3. What does the forest do as they try to turn back?
(a) It summons magic predators
(b) Nothing
(c) It makes it easier to walk away
(d) It tries to block their passage

4. Why didn't Fanchon come and help him?
(a) She was afraid of the monsters
(b) She had gotten caught by a gourd
(c) She had sat in the spell of a lethargy tree
(d) She was dead

5. What kind of monster did Bink come across in the rowboat?
(a) A kraken
(b) A crocodile
(c) A monstrous squid
(d) A shark

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Bink and Fanchon encounter after they escape the Kraken cave?

2. What is it that Bink longs to understand?

3. What does Bink tell himself he'll do if Chameleon dies?

4. What was extremely fortunate timing?

5. Who got to Trent and immobilized him?

Short Essay Questions

1. How could Trent force Bink and Chameleon to stop their quest?

2. What qualities does Trent believe would make Bink an excellent citizen of Xanth?

3. Why couldn't Trent finish Bink off?

4. What is the Xanthian version of the Sphinx?

5. How was the trio's departure this time from the castle, different from when they arrived?

6. How did Chester react to Bink's mention of Herman the Hermit?

7. What were the transformations Bink endured, and what was the purpose of each?

8. How did Bink escape the carnivorous grass?

9. What is Bink starting to realize about Trent?

10. What had distracted Chameleon and what was its purpose?

(see the answer keys)

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