A Savage Place Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Savage Place Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Spenser go by plane in Chapter 2?
(a) Boston.
(b) New Orleans.
(c) Haiti.
(d) Los Angeles.

2. What does Spenser tell Candy to do as they are leaving Summit Studios?
(a) Act naturally.
(b) Call Hammond's office.
(c) Take a few odd turns.
(d) Wait in the car while he runs back inside.

3. Under what circumstances do Candy and Spenser leave Roger Hammond's office?
(a) They leave out a back door.
(b) They are kicked out by Hammond.
(c) Hammond's secretary tells him he has an appointment.
(d) Hammond walks them to the parking lot.

4. Why do Spenser and Candy stop at the Farmer's Market in Chapter 7?
(a) To talk to a farmer who knows Hammond.
(b) To meet with a potential informant.
(c) To buy vegetables for dinner.
(d) To escape being followed.

5. Where do Spenser and Candy head for a drink after leaving the meeting with Roger Hammond?
(a) The Star Cafe.
(b) The Blue Light Bar.
(c) A vending machine.
(d) The commissary.

6. Where do Spenser and Candy share drinks after their meeting with Roger Hammond?
(a) As they walk along the beach.
(b) At a cocktail party.
(c) In a hotel bar.
(d) On her balcony.

7. Who drives the car on the way back from the meeting with Roger Hammond?
(a) Spenser.
(b) No one, the engine won't start.
(c) Candy.
(d) No one, the tires are flat.

8. Where does Spenser escort Candy the evening after meeting with Roger Hammond?
(a) To dinner.
(b) To an awards show.
(c) To the police station.
(d) To a cocktail hour for journalists.

9. What does Sam Felton tell Candy when she asks him about her suspicions?
(a) He tells her she is right, but begs her not to tell anyone.
(b) He tells her she worries too much.
(c) He denies the whole thing.
(d) He tells her she better know her place.

10. What does Candy suggest the next move should be on the evening after meeting with Roger Hammond?
(a) To meet with the president of Oceania.
(b) To interview former employees of Roger Hammond.
(c) To meet with the president of Waverly, Inc.
(d) To interview employees at Summit Studios.

11. In Chapter 7, who tells Candy that he thinks Roger Hammond is lying?
(a) Steve Butler.
(b) Mickey.
(c) Spenser.
(d) Mike Wallace.

12. Who threatens to complain to Candy's boss after she says she has a witness to a bribe payoff?
(a) Detective Odell.
(b) Peter Brewster.
(c) LuAnn Ramsey.
(d) Carol Zogby.

13. What does the person who calls Spenser in Chapter 3 tell him?
(a) That Candy wants to meet with him at ten.
(b) That Candy has been hurt.
(c) That he is needed back in Boston.
(d) That his credit card has been denied.

14. What does Candy tell the person that she and Spenser go to see after leaving the Farmer's Market?
(a) This she has information the person wants.
(b) That she knows what this person has done.
(c) This this investigation could make her career.
(d) That she has been ill.

15. Why does the person in Chapter 7 tell Candy that he believes Roger Hammond is lying?
(a) Because Hammond has a drug problem.
(b) Because he overheard a conversation.
(c) Because Hammond and Felton are cousins.
(d) Because Felton would have told him about the accusations.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Spenser reading when the novel opens?

2. Who does Candy tell Spenser called her after they parted ways the day he arrived in town?

3. What does Candy Sloan tell Spenser she does NOT want him to do in Chapter 2?

4. What best describes Roger Hammond's reaction to seeing Spenser and Candy after their meeting?

5. Where is the first place Candy goes at the Farmer's Market in Chapter 7?

(see the answer keys)

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