A Salty Piece of Land Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Salty Piece of Land Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do people bring with them when they come to visit the Cayo Loco lighthouse?
(a) A wish for the wind to carry away.
(b) A conch to leave on Cleopatra's grave.
(c) A pebble from the beach to place on the lighthouse steps.
(d) A tree to plant.

2. What was the name of Montana's father?
(a) Larry Moore.
(b) Clark Gable.
(c) Jake Sawyer.
(d) Henry Hudson.

3. Willie Singer pretends to be ____________ while traveling the islands in the Pacific.
(a) On a book tour.
(b) Searching for a fugitive.
(c) Running for governor.
(d) Filming a documentary.

4. What was the name of Sophie's boat?
(a) Riviera Blue.
(b) Le Bleu.
(c) Blue River.
(d) Reve Bleu.

5. Where is Sophie's boat from?
(a) Le Bleu.
(b) Corsica.
(c) Calais.
(d) Beaumont.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Tully comes to join her crew, Cleopatra tells him he smells worse than what?

2. Donald Diamond's nickname was Donald the _________.

3. Cleopatra tells Tully it's time to put a little distance between his what?

4. Tully dreamed that he had a machine that would shrink his horse to the size of what?

5. Willie Singer wanted information about the __________ from Parfait.

Short Essay Questions

1. What did hearing a cigarette boat off of Cayo Loco remind Tully of?

2. Where did Tully meet Dawn before the resort at San Pedro?

3. What kind of vision does Ix-Nay have while he is watching the sea turtle hatchlings with Consuelo?

4. Why does Tully compare Cleopatra's burial to an Egyptian queen?

5. How does Tully feel as he waits to hear news of Cleopatra in the hospital waiting room?

6. How do the Stilton brothers capture Tully in San Pedro?

7. What is the story of Cleopatra's birth?

8. How does Tully react when he sees Waldo Stilton in San Pedro?

9. How are Tully's concerns about Mr. Twain taken care of?

10. What was Tully having mixed feelings about after being rescued by Archie and his other friends?

(see the answer keys)

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