A River Runs Through It Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A River Runs Through It Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Paul hope to avoid?
(a) A sunburn
(b) Insect bites
(c) Any interaction with Jessie
(d) Any confrontation from Norman about Paul's behavior the last time they were together

2. The characters are _____________________.
(a) jealous of each other
(b) fictional
(c) not very believable
(d) larger than life

3. What do the brothers always wonder about each other?
(a) Which one is tougher
(b) Which one is more handsome
(c) Which one is smarter
(d) Which one has more money

4. Why does Norman think that Paul stays close to him while fishing?
(a) Because Paul has been feeling lonely lately
(b) Because he thinks Norman is upset over the situation with Neal
(c) Because Norman has the beer
(d) Because Norman can always find the best fishing spots

5. One day when Norman and Paul are fishing, Neal arrives with a woman named Old Rawhide that he met ___________________.
(a) at church
(b) at a seminar
(c) at a bar
(d) at the country club

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Norman decide to do because he is frustrated with his family situation?

2. What does Paul put in the river?

3. What does Jessie encourage Norman to do with the answer to #22?

4. Who is clearly Mrs. Maclean's favorite person?

5. Who helps take Neal upstairs to bed?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where do the two brothers go fishing?

2. What do Norman and Paul find when they return to the spot where they left the car?

3. Neal declares that he wants to fish but what does he do instead?

4. Which of the two brothers is the better fisherman?

5. Where do Norman and Paul escape from Norman's family problems a few days later?

6. How does Norman react to Neal's arrival a few days later?

7. Why does Norman's mother-in-law enlist Norman's help on Neal's behalf?

8. Why does Norman not remain to fish with Neal?

9. What favor does Norman ask of his brother, Paul?

10. Who arrives to surprise Norman and Paul at the cabin?

(see the answer keys)

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