A Reliable Wife Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robert Goolrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Reliable Wife Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robert Goolrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does the carriage end up as Catherine tries to rein in the horses?
(a) The woods.
(b) The ditch.
(c) A frozen river.
(d) The next town.

2. What does Catherine do with her expensive clothing?
(a) She gives it away.
(b) She throwS it out the train window.
(c) She leaves it under the train seat.
(d) She packs it neatly in her trunk.

3. What does Catherine constantly imagine herself doing?
(a) Skiing.
(b) Drinking.
(c) Smoking.
(d) Swimming.

4. Catherine answered an ad which Ralph placed in which he stated he was looking for _____________________.
(a) A reliable wife.
(b) A business partner.
(c) An adventurer.
(d) A mother for his children.

5. What does Catherine pay particular attention to as she unpacks?
(a) Her hats.
(b) A brooch.
(c) A small bottle.
(d) Her cosmetics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Antonio wearing during the time Catherine and the investigators meet with him?

2. What is Catherine's state of mind as she waits for Ralph to get better?

3. How does Ralph express his longing for Catherine?

4. Why does Ralph decide to continue with plans to marry Catherine?

5. How old was Emilia when Ralph met her?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Mrs. Larsen show Catherine that she will not stand by and let anyone else hurt Truitt?

2. Why is the author's description of the weather so critical to the book?

3. Describe the carriage accident in which Ralph is hurt.

4. What are some of Truitt's thoughts during his delirium, especially related to his domineering mother and his own youthful thoughts of lust?

5. What significance does the loss of Catherine's jewelry serve symbolically and as an element of foreshadowing?

6. In what way does Ralph and Catherine's relationship begin with a lie?

7. What is the significance of Truitt's mother stabbing him with a needle and then the resulting scar that reminds him of the act?

8. What lie does Catherine tell about about her father as she is tending to Ralph's head wound?

9. What is the significance of the phrases, "It happens," or, "These things happen" which appear throughout the novel?

10. What tragedy did Ralph suffer twenty years ago and why does he try to maintain his composure at the train station?

(see the answer keys)

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