A Personal Matter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Personal Matter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Bird go with the doctor to take the baby?
(a) Another hospital.
(b) Home.
(c) The morgue.
(d) Surgery.

2. Where does Bird wake up in Chapter 5?
(a) The hospital.
(b) His apartment.
(c) His wife's bedside.
(d) Himiko's apartment.

3. How does Bird get to the hospital?
(a) Bus.
(b) Subway.
(c) Cab.
(d) Bicycle.

4. For what does Bird ask a sales clerk?
(a) Road maps of Africa.
(b) Blue shirts.
(c) Motor oil.
(d) Tangerines.

5. What does Bird note about Himiko's apartment?
(a) It has new drapes.
(b) It is dark.
(c) It smells like bread.
(d) It is freshly painted.

Short Answer Questions

1. The doctor thinks the baby and the parents __________________________.

2. How many shots of whiskey does Bird drink in quick succession?

3. What does Bird notice about one of the doctors?

4. From where does Bird call his mother-in-law?

5. Which of the following does Bird NOT think about on this day?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Bird learn about the child's birth when he calls his mother-in-law?

2. Why did the author give names to only a few of the characters?

3. What is Bird's state of mind at the beginning of the book and what does the first chapter signify for his life?

4. How is sex and sexuality a means for Bird to avoid responsibility?

5. In what ways could the women at the maternity hospital be symbolized as angels?

6. How does Bird's thoughts about his child as a war hero show what Bird really feels about the journey ahead for the child and himself?

7. What is significant about Bird's hangover and vomiting in class?

8. What is Bird doing at the beginning of A PERSONAL MATTER? What is going on with Bird's wife and how does Bird think his life will soon change?

9. What seems to exaggerate Bird's feelings of inadequacy at the arcade?

10. What does Bird observe when he visits his father-in-law at the university?

(see the answer keys)

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