A Handful of Dust Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Handful of Dust Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is John Beaver's age?
(a) 16.
(b) 1.
(c) 25.
(d) 60.

2. What excuse does Brenda use to miss the annual event?
(a) Her sister's wedding.
(b) Class.
(c) Her mother's birthday.
(d) Illness.

3. What is Brenda doing when this chapter opens?
(a) Supervising the installing of carpet in her den.
(b) Getting ready to go to dinner.
(c) Playing polo.
(d) Sailing on the Thames.

4. Of what does Brenda convince Tony?
(a) The idea of remodeling her bedroom.
(b) The idea of her and their son
(c) The idea of renting a flat in London.
(d) That John Andrew should go to boarding school.

5. What is nice about the Brat's Club for men like John?
(a) It has a wide array of social circles.
(b) Younger men could enjoy drinking and cards without the traditional older man stigma.
(c) You do not have to be titled to go there.
(d) It is inexpensive.

6. How does Mrs. Rattery arrive at Hetton?
(a) By a plane she pilots herself.
(b) By horseback.
(c) By rail.
(d) By boat.

7. What is Mrs. Beaver's response to John deciding not to see Brenda anymore?
(a) She is angry because he is only thinking of himself.
(b) She has no opinion about the matter.
(c) She is happy because Brenda is married.
(d) She encourages him to think otherwise.

8. What does Tony decide to do?
(a) Get to know Mrs. Rafferty better.
(b) Write Brenda a letter.
(c) Not allow John Andrew to do the hunt this year.
(d) Ask Jock about Brenda and John.

9. Of what is Brenda taking advantage concerning Tony?
(a) His indifference.
(b) His anger.
(c) His love.
(d) His guilt.

10. Why is John annoyed with Brenda?
(a) She won't allow him to kiss her.
(b) He is not annoyed, but rather infatuated.
(c) She leaves him alone to fend for himself at Polly's party.
(d) She makes a joke about him in front of others.

11. What reason does Brenda give Tony for bringing along her friends?
(a) To hope Tony becomes interested in one of the women.
(b) To get their opinion on redecorating.
(c) To help them get away from the stress of London.
(d) None.

12. What does Brenda find unbearable?
(a) Tony's anger and abuse.
(b) Being around Tony's relatives.
(c) Not getting to London very often.
(d) Being a mother.

13. Why does Tony lash out at his son?
(a) Because he says he hates Tony.
(b) Because he spills milk on the table.
(c) Because he starts crying for his mama.
(d) Because he is disappointed at not seeing Brenda.

14. What does Allan do?
(a) He is a lawyer.
(b) He is a labor leader and political candidate.
(c) He manages a large department store.
(d) He lives off an inheritance.

15. How often is Brenda communicating with Tony?
(a) Twice a day.
(b) Infrequently.
(c) Several times a week.
(d) Every day.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does John encounter Tony?

2. Who does Tony invite to the hunt?

3. Why does Tony feel guilty the next day?

4. Why does Tony get up earlier than usual the next morning?

5. Why does Tony call and awaken Brenda?

(see the answer keys)

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