A Girl Named Disaster Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nancy Farmer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Girl Named Disaster Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nancy Farmer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the baboons do when they see Nhamo at the river getting water?
(a) Embrace her.
(b) Attack her.
(c) Run from her.
(d) Ignore her.

2. Who calls Nhamo's mother a witch?
(a) Tazviona.
(b) Masvita.
(c) Tilltiana.
(d) Chipo.

3. What does Nhamo take her grandmother to see when they reach their destination?
(a) A snake charmer.
(b) A television.
(c) A wrestling match.
(d) A guitar player.

4. What do the baboons refuse to do for the deformed baboon?
(a) Groom him.
(b) Protect him.
(c) Hunt for him.
(d) Sleep near him.

5. Who did Useless marry?
(a) A njuzu.
(b) A muzuki.
(c) A nganga.
(d) A princess.

6. What does Nhamo make out of the bark of the tree?
(a) An insect repellant.
(b) A belt.
(c) Twine.
(d) Seasoning.

7. Why is Nhamo so afraid when she dreams about Crocodile Guts?
(a) He is dead.
(b) He was always mean to her.
(c) She took his boat.
(d) She lied to him.

8. Where does Nhamo land after drifting unanchored all night?
(a) A sand bar.
(b) A strange lake.
(c) The beach.
(d) An island.

9. What does the sting that Nhamo gets while working on her boat cause her to do?
(a) Faint.
(b) Lose feeling in her hand.
(c) Swell up.
(d) Hallucinate.

10. Where does Masvita go after the meeting with the muvuki?
(a) The trader's house.
(b) The inn.
(c) Her home village.
(d) Vatete's village.

11. How does Nhamo feel when she is in the boat on her first day?
(a) Alone.
(b) Excited.
(c) Scared.
(d) Confused.

12. To what does Nhamo compare the trading post?
(a) A money tribe.
(b) A carnival.
(c) A market.
(d) A circus.

13. What does Nhamo try to imitate while learning to swim?
(a) Fish.
(b) Insects.
(c) Animals.
(d) Men from the village.

14. Why is the boy in Nhamo's story making a rope?
(a) To pull his grandmother's farm closer.
(b) To wrap the world.
(c) To tie up his future wife.
(d) To climb to the sky.

15. What does Nhamo get to protect her from Long Teats?
(a) Long branches.
(b) Face paint.
(c) A large fire.
(d) A phial of spring water.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Nhamo travel against the current?

2. What killed Nhamo's mother?

3. How old was Nhamo when her mother died?

4. What kind of insect does Nhamo roast to eat?

5. What does a baby baboon do that makes Nhamo feel comforted?

(see the answer keys)

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