A Children's Tragedy Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Children's Tragedy Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act III, Scene 1 through Act III, Scene 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mrs. Gabor offer to do for Moritz?
(a) Speak on his behalf to his parents.
(b) Allow him to move into their home.
(c) Tutor him.
(d) Help him find a new school.

2. What does Moritz admit to considering if he flunks?
(a) Suicide.
(b) Running away.
(c) Entering the church.
(d) Becoming a criminal.

3. Because of the objectionable content of the play, what did Wedekind have to do for the play to be printed?
(a) Write out every script used for the first performance.
(b) Agree to a free commission of another play for the publisher.
(c) Pay for publication himself.
(d) Marry the daughter of a publisher.

4. How does Mrs. Gabor initially react to reading Melchior's letter in Act III?
(a) She claims it is a forger.
(b) She claims that Melchior did not rape Wendla.
(c) She claims that Wendla and Melchior have done nothing wrong.
(d) She claims it is just part of a class assignment.

5. Where does the second scene of Act III take place?
(a) Moritz's funeral.
(b) Melchior's home.
(c) The riverbank.
(d) The hayloft.

Short Answer Questions

1. In their first encounter, what question does Melchior pose to Wendla?

2. Who is the headmaster of Melchior's school?

3. What sort of story is A Children's Tragedy?

4. What do Moritz's classmates speculate as the method of suicide?

5. In the brief summary given in the introduction, what concept is Melchior struggling with?

(see the answer key)

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