2nd Chance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

2nd Chance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the hat have embroidered on it that Chris gave to Lindsay?
(a) It's Heavenly.
(b) You'r Wonderful.
(c) Angels Abound.
(d) So Exciting.

2. Why did the security cameras not pick up anything at Estelle Chipman's crime scene?
(a) They are broken.
(b) They were painted over.
(c) There aren't any.
(d) They were disconnected.

3. What does Aaron Winslow say when Cindy tells him she is a reporter?
(a) He is thinking of charging reporters with harasment.
(b) He hates reporters.
(c) He has talked to enough reporters.
(d) He remembers her.

4. What aspect of the photos does the killer focus on in chapter eighteen?
(a) The eyes.
(b) The hands.
(c) The lips.
(d) The blood.

5. What does the gunman have in his pocket in chapter eight while at the arcade?
(a) A grenade.
(b) A gun.
(c) A homemade explosive.
(d) A knife.

6. What does Jacobi ask Lindsay after seeing the police artist drawing of the decal that the boy had seen?
(a) If this guy is part of the sick-o Justice League.
(b) If this guy works for Disney.
(c) If they are looking for the Pokemon killer.
(d) If this guy is eleven years old himself.

7. What does Claire say about the bullets that went in Tasha?
(a) They were both ricochets.
(b) They hit her after she was on the ground.
(c) They came from two different guns.
(d) They went in almost the same hole.

8. What had Jill confided in the girls that she had done in high school and college?
(a) Been using drugs.
(b) Cut herself.
(c) Been in a gang.
(d) Traveled the world during the summers.

9. What strikes Lindsay as odd in the end of chapter two after surveying the crime scene?
(a) That there is someone in the crowd taking pictures.
(b) That Tasha was the only one hit.
(c) That Tasha's parents are not there.
(d) That the street is one that her old partner used to live on.

10. What does someone yell as Lindsay gets close to the crime scene in chapter two?
(a) Always a little late to the party aren't ya.
(b) The cops are the damn problem.
(c) This ain't Mississippi.
(d) We got rights too.

11. What is found during the autopsy of the elderly black woman that leads Cindy to believe the woman did not commit suicide?
(a) Bruises down her back in the shape of shoes.
(b) Poison in her system.
(c) A head wound.
(d) Blood and skin under her fingernails.

12. What is the killer wearing in chapter twenty-five?
(a) A leather jacket.
(b) A flanell shirt.
(c) A black pull over.
(d) A green windbreaker.

13. Where is Aaron Winslow leaving from when he hears the gun fire in the prologue?
(a) The doctor's office.
(b) Church.
(c) A neighborhood party.
(d) School.

14. What does Lindsay think that Aaron Winslow looks like when she sees him in chapter three?
(a) A real life hero.
(b) Like he doesn't care.
(c) A man that has gone too many miles.
(d) Someone sad and alone.

15. What does Angela use as a weapon when they try to take her baby in chapter one?
(a) A knife from her dinner tray.
(b) A metal chair she had been sitting in.
(c) A glass she breaks.
(d) A rope.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the M.E. tell Lindsay when she says it is amazing that one of the bullets found its way into Tasha when there had been so many fired at the church?

2. What does Lindsay tell Claire about when she asks what precisely she would be looking for?

3. What does Lindsay tell the girls in chapter fifteen when they ask if the murders are hate crimes?

4. What does Lindsay find at Estelle Chipman's crime scene in chapter thirteen?

5. In chapter twenty-one what does Jacobi say that they have learned about the killer?

(see the answer keys)

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