10 Plays Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

10 Plays Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. "Electra":, Why has Electra's husband not slept with her?
(a) Out of decency and fear of the king.
(b) Out of decency and fear of the gods.
(c) Out of decency and fear of the Fates.
(d) Out of decency and fear of Electra's brother.

2. "The Bacchants": What tells the women to burn down the house of Pentheus?
(a) A lightning bolt.
(b) A moonbeam.
(c) A thunderbolt.
(d) A nymph.

3. "Iphigenia among Taurians": Once they are on the ship, what does the sea do?
(a) Captures Iphigenia.
(b) Swallows the ship.
(c) Kills Orestes.
(d) Swallows the passengers.

4. "The Bacchants": How does Pentheus disguise himself to go view the rites on the hill?
(a) As a shepherd.
(b) As a commoner.
(c) As a woman.
(d) As a herdsman.

5. "Electra": The king has heard that Thessalians are master butchers of what?
(a) Horses.
(b) Cattle.
(c) Sheep.
(d) Bulls.

Short Answer Questions

1. "Trojan Women": What does Hecuba bury with her grandson?

2. "The Bacchants": What does Pentheus say are dancing in the countryside?

3. "Trojan Women": Before the Greeks take her to whom is Cassandra is a servant?

4. "Iphigenia at Aulis": When the priest was about to slit Iphigenia's throat, what appeared in her place?

5. "Iphigenia among Taurians": Which goddess does Iphigenia serve?

Short Essay Questions

1. "Iphigenia at Aulis": Why does Agamemnon try to tell his daughter not to come to the camp?

2. "Trojan Women": What does Hecuba tell Menelaus?

3. "Iphigenia among Taurians": How does Iphigenia get the idol to the ship?

4. "The Bacchants": What does the stranger convince Pentheus to do after he hears the tale from the herdsman?

5. "Iphigenia among Taurians": Who is Iphigenia?

6. "Iphigenia among Taurians": What dream does Iphigenia have at the beginning of the play?

7. "Iphigenia among Taurians": Why do the men capture Pylades and Orestes?

8. "Trojan Women": Why is Hecuba enraged about being Odysseus's slave?

9. "Electra": Why does the king ask Orestes to kill the bull?

10. "Electra": Why has the peasant not slept with Electra?

(see the answer keys)

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