The School of Recreation (1696 edition) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 159 pages of information about The School of Recreation (1696 edition).

The School of Recreation (1696 edition) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 159 pages of information about The School of Recreation (1696 edition).
123456 |
------ | 254163 | 164235 | 145326 | 156324
213465 | 245163 | ------ | 154326 | bob.
231465 | 241536 | 162453 | ------ | 165342
213645 | 214536 | 126453 | 153462 | 156342
231645 | 241356 | bob. | 135462 | ------
236154 | 214356 | 162435 | 153642 | 153624
263154 | 124365 | 126435 | 135642 | 135624
236514 | 142365 | ------ | ------ | 153264
263514 | 124635 | 124653 | 136524 | 135264
265314 | 142635 | 142653 | 163524 | ------
256341 | ------ | 124563 | bob. | 132546
265431 | 146253 | 142563 | 136542 | 123546
256431 | 164235 | ------ | 163542 | 132456
254613 | bob. | 145236 | ------ | 123456
245163 | 146253 | 154236 | 165324 | ------

This Peal will go 120 Changes, and by making Bobs, as many as above.

Note that in all the foregoing Peals upon Six Bells, the Bobs are double Changes, and made always at the leadings of the Whole-Hunt.  He that Rings the Half-Hunt, may best call Bob in all Peals.

I come now to the Changes upon Seven Bells, which though the seldom Practice of them might excuse my omitting them; yet, because I promised to say somewhat of them, I shall be as good as my Word, (the Character of an Honest man) and present you with a couple of Examples, and then proceed to Peals upon Eight:  But this I must crave leave to premise, That Variety of Changes may be prick’d upon Seven Bells, as Triples, and Doubles, Triples Doubles, and Single Doubles, &c. and the same Methods may be prick’d upon Seven, as may be upon Five, the true difference of Proportion being observed; but to proceed.

Dodging Triples.

Triples and Doubles, and indeed all Peals upon Six, may likewise go upon Seven Bells, thus,

1234567 |
------- |
2143576 | 4523671 | 3514276
2415367 | 5432761 | 3152467
4251376 | 4523716 | 1325476
4523167 | 5432176 | 1352746
5432617 | 5341267 |

Plain Triples.

1234567 |
------- |
2143657 | 6745231 | 3517264
2416375 | 7654321 | 3152746
4261735 | 7563412 | 1325476
4627153 | 5736142 |
6472513 | 5371624 |

In this all the Bells have a Hunting Course.

College Triples, dodging before, and behind,

1234567 |
------- |
2143576 | 2467315 | 4176235
2415367 | 4276135 | 4712653
4251376 | 2471653 | 7421635
2453167 | 4217635 | 4726153
4235617 | 4126753 | 7462513
2436571 | 1462735 | 4765231
4263751 | 1467253 |

This Peal thus prick’t, will go, 84 Changes, and the Treble leading, and the Half Hunt lying next it, and a parting Change (which is a double on the four middlemost of the Six hind Bells) being made, it will go 420, and by making Bobs 5040.

Thus much shall suffice for Peals upon Seven Bells, I proceed to Changes upon Eight.

Project Gutenberg
The School of Recreation (1696 edition) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.