The School of Recreation (1696 edition) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 159 pages of information about The School of Recreation (1696 edition).

The School of Recreation (1696 edition) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 159 pages of information about The School of Recreation (1696 edition).
123456 |
------ | 265314 | 132564 | 135426 | 164352
214365 | 625341 | 315246 | ------ | ------
124356 | 263514 | 351426 | 153246 | 146532
213465 | 236154 | 534162 | 152364 | bob.
231645 | 321645 | 351462 | ------ | 164523
326145 | 236145 | 534126 | 125634 | ------
231654 | 321654 |  _&c._ | 126543 | 146253
326154 | 312564 | 153624 | ------ | 142635
362415 | 135246 | bob. | 162453 | ------
634251 | 315264 | 135642 | 164235 | 124365
364215 | 132546 | ------ | ------ | 123456
632451 | 135264 | 153462 | 146325 | ------
623541 | 312546 | bob. | bob. |

Both these bobs will go One Hundred and Twenty Changes, and by making of bobs, they will go, 240, 360, or 720.  And thus with little Variation, there are other bobs may be made after the same manner, and afford as Admirable Musick, as possibly can be made on Bells.  I shall therefore hasten to finish this days Work, only first present you with this one more called,

The City Delight: 

Doubles and Singles.

The whole Hunt is the Treble, and lieth as before in the Nightingale:  When the Treble moves out of the 3d. place, the Singles are made in the 2d. and 3d. place, till the Treble repossesses his 3d. place, and then behind, till it moves up again out of the 3d. place.  The two hind Bells dodge, when the Treble moves out of the 4th. place, till he returns again; the Bell in the 4th. place lying still all the while.

123456 | 264351 | 154362 | 162534 | 143265
------ | 265413 | bob. | 162543 | 143256
213465 | 256413 | 153426 | 126534 | 134265
213456 | 265143 | 153462 | 126543 | 134256
231465 | 256143 | ------ | ------ | ------
231456 | 251634 | 156234 | 124365 | 135642
234165 | 251643 | 156243 | 124356 | 135624
234156 | 215634 | 165234 | 142365 | bob.
243156 | 215643 | 165243 | 142356 | 136542
234615 | 125634 | ------ | ------ | 136524
243615 | 125643 | 164352 | 145623 | ------
243615 | 152634 | 164325 | 145632 | 132465
246351 | 152643 | bob. | bob. | 132456
264351 | ------ | 163452 | 146523 | 123465
246531 | 154326 | 163425 | 146532 | 123456
| ------ |

This will go as many Changes as the last mentioned, by making Bobs.  And here I will shut up this days Peal upon Six Bells with

The Evening Delight.

Doubles and Singles.

The Whole Hunt is the Treble, and lyes as before specified, with this exception only:  That it dodges in the 2d. and 3d. places, every time it Hunts up, and down.  Observe when Treble goes to lead, and leaves of leading, the Bells in the 3d. and 4th places lye still, _&c._ Note the pricking this Peal.

Project Gutenberg
The School of Recreation (1696 edition) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.