A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Three eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 453 pages of information about A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Three.

A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Three eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 453 pages of information about A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Three.

Petrarcha.  Sonetti e Trionfi.  Printed by Zarotus. 1473.  Folio.  This edition (if the present copy of it be perfect) has no prefix of table or biographical memorandum of Petrarch.  A full page contains forty, and sometimes forty-two lines.  On the recto of the last leaf is the colophon.  This is a sound and clean, but apparently cropt copy; in old blue morocco binding.

Petrarcha Sonetti e Trionfi.  Printed by Jenson. 1473.  Folio.  A sound and desirable copy, in red morocco binding; formerly belonging to Prince Eugene.

——. Comment.  Borstii in Trionfi.  Printed at Bologna. 1475.  Folio.  Here are two copies of this beautifully printed, and by no means common, book.  One of them belonged to Prince Eugene; and a glance upon the top corner ms. pagination evidently proves it to have been cropt.  It is in red morocco binding.  The other copy, bound in blue morocco, has the table inlaid; and is desirable—­although inferior to the preceding.

Poggio.  Historia Fiorentina.  Printed by I. de Rossi. (Jacobus Rubeus) 1476.  Folio.  First edition of the Italian version.  This copy is really a great curiosity., The first seven books are printed upon paper of a fine tone and texture, and the leaves are absolutely uncut:  a few leaves at the beginning are soiled—­especially the first; but the remainder are in delightful preservation, and shew what an old book ought to be.  The eighth book is entirely printed UPON VELLUM; and some of these vellum leaves are perfectly enchanting.  They are of the same size with the paper, and also uncut. This volume has never been bound.  I entreated M. Bartsch to have it handsomely bound, but not to touch the fore edges.  He consented readily.

Regula Confitendi Peccata Sua. 1473.  Quarto.  Of this book I never saw another copy.  The author is PICENUS, and the work is written throughout in the Italian language.  There are but seven leaves—­executed in a letter which resembles the typographical productions of Bologna and Mantua.

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Bone Vie (Livre De); qui est appelee Madenie. Printed by A. Neyret at Chambery. 1485.  Folio.  As far as signature 1 vj, the subject is prose:  afterwards commences the poetry—­“appelle la somme de la vision Iehan du pin.”  The colophon is on the reverse of the last leaf but one.  A wood-cut is on the last leaf.  This small folio volume is printed in a tall, close, and inelegant gothic type; reminding me much of the LIVRE DE CHASSE printed at the same place, in 1486, and now in Lord Spencer’s library.[130]

Chevalier (Le) Delibre. 1488.  Quarto.  This book is filled with some very neat wood cuts, and is printed in the gothic letter.  The subject matter is poetical.  No name appears, but I suspect this edition to have been, printed in the office of Verard.

Project Gutenberg
A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Three from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.