Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Struma (stru’mah).  Scrofula.

Stupor (stu-por).  Partial or nearly complete unconsciousness.

Styptic (stip-tik).  Astringent.  To arrest hemorrhage by means of
                    astringent quality.

Subcutaneous (sub-ku-ta’neus).  Beneath the skin.

Submaxillary (sub-max’il-la-ri).  Situated beneath the jaw.

Sudor (su’dor).  Sweat or perspiration.

Sudorifics (sudor-if-iks).  Sweaters.

Suppurate (sup’pu-rat).  To produce pus.

Suture (su’tur).  A surgical stitch or seam; an unmovable joint.

Symptom (simp’tom).  Any evidence of disease or of a patient’s condition.

Synocha (sin’-o-kah).  A continued fever.

Syncope (sin’-co-pe).  A swoon, fainting, or a faint.  Sudden failure more
                      or less of the heart’s action.

Syphilis (sif’i1-is).  A venereal disease (pox).

Syringe (sir’inj).  All instrument for injecting liquids into any vessel or

Tepid (tep’id).  Luke warm.

[Medical dictionary 907]

Tetanic (tet’an-ik).  Pertaining to or of the nature of tetanus.

Tertian (tur’shan).  Recurring every third day.

Tetanus (tet’an-us).  An acute disease due to the bacillus tetani, in which
                     there is a state of more or less persistent tonic
                     spasm of some of the voluntary muscles.

Tibia (tib’eah).  The inner bone of the leg (below the knee).

Therapeutics (ther-ap-u’tiks).  The science and art of healing.

Thorax (tho’raks).  The chest.

Testicles (tes’tik-kl).  The two glands which produce semen.

Tendon (ten’don).  A band of dense fibrous tissue forming the termination
                  of a muscle and attaching the latter to a bone.

Tense (tens).  Stretched.

Tension (ten’shun).  The act of stretching.

Tincture (tink’tur).  A solution of the medicine principle of a substance
                     in a fluid other than water or glycerol.

Tonsils (ton’sils).  Small almond-shaped masses between the pillars of the
                    fauces on either side.

Torpid (tor’pid).  Not acting with normal vigor and facility.

Torpor (tor’por).  Sluggishness.

Tormina (tor’minah).  Griping pains in the bowels.

Trachea (tra-ke-ah).  The wind-pipe.

Tracheotomy (trake-ot’o-me.) The formation of an artificial opening into
                             the trachea, cutting into the trachea.

Transpiration (tran-spi-ra’shun).  The discharge of air, sweat or vapor
                                  through the skin.

Tubercles (tu’ber-kl).  Any mass of small, rounded nodules produced by the
                       bacillus of tuberculosis.

Transudation (trans’-u-da’tion).  The passing of liquid through a membrane.

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.