Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Sedentary (sed’en-ta-re).  Sitting habitually; of inactive habits.

Seminal (sem’in-al).  Pertaining to seed or semen.

Serum (se’rum).  The clear portion of any animal liquid separated from its
                more solid elements; especially the clear liquid which
                separates in the clotting of blood from the clot and the

Serous (si’rus).  Pertaining to or resembling serum.

Semiflexion (sem-e-flek’shun).  The position of a limb midway between
                               bending and extension.

Senile (se’nil).  Of or pertaining to old age.

Septic (sep’tik).  Produced by or due to putrefaction.

Sialagogues (si-al’-ag-og).  An agent that produces a flow of saliva.

Sinapism (sin’ap-izm).  A mustard plaster.

Sinew (sin’yu).  The tendon of a muscle.

Slough (sluf).  A mass of dead tissue in or cast out from living tissue.

Sewerage (su’er-ej).  Drainage.

Solution (so’lu’shun).  A liquid containing dissolved matter.

Solvent (sol’vent).  Capable of dissolving.

Sordes (sor’dez).  The dark brown foul matter which collects on the lips
                  and teeth in low fevers (typhoid, etc.).

Spasm (spazm).  A sudden, violent, involuntary rigid contraction due to
               muscular contraction.

Speculum (spek’u-Ium).  An instrument for dilating the opening of a passage
                       or cavity of the body to view the interior.

Specific (spe-sif ’ik).  A remedy especially indicated for any particular

Sphincter (sfingk’ter).  A ring-like muscle which closes a natural orifice.

Spinal Cord (spi’nal).  The cord-like structure contained in the spinal

Spleen (spleen).  One of the so-called ductless glands.

Sporadic (spo-rad’ik).  Occurring here and there, scattered.

Squamous (skwa’-mus).  Scaly or plate-like.

Stertorous (ster’torus).  Snoring. breathing.

Sternum (ster’num).  Breast bone.

Stertor (ster’tor).  Snoring or sonorous breathing, especially that of
                    sleep or of coma.

Stethoscope (steth’o-skop).  An instrument for ascertaining the condition
                            of the organs of circulation and respiration.

Stimulant (stim’u-lant).  Producing stimulation.  Increasing the heart’s

Stool (stool).  The fecal discharge from the bowel.

Stomachic (stom’ak-ik).  Pertaining to the stomach.

Strangury (stran-ju-re).  Slow and painful discharge of the urine.

Stricture (strik-tur).  Abnormal narrowing of a canal, duct or passage.

Strumous (stru’mus).  Scrofulous.

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.