An Essay Toward a History of Shakespeare in Norway eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 162 pages of information about An Essay Toward a History of Shakespeare in Norway.

An Essay Toward a History of Shakespeare in Norway eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 162 pages of information about An Essay Toward a History of Shakespeare in Norway.

10.  Kong Henrik Den Fjerde.  Skuespil i 5 Akter af W. Shakespeare.  Adapted by Bjornstjerne Bjornson from King Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2 in Lembcke’s translation.  Feb. 12, 1867, Feb. 8, 1885. 17 times.

11.  Kong Richard III.  Tragedie i 5 Akter af W. Shakespeare.  Translated by Lembcke.  May 27, 1877, March 10, 1891. 26 times.

12.  Kongens Laege.  Romantisk Lystspil i 5 Akter efter Shakespeares All’s Well That Ends Well.  Adapted by Sille Beyer.  From the thirteenth performance (May 23, 1869) given under the title Naar Enden er god er Alting godt in a new translation by Edvard Lembcke.  Jan. 5, 1854, Jan. 24, 1882. 20 times.

13.  Livet i Skoven.  Romantisk Lystspil i 4 Akter efter Shakespeares As You Like It.  Adapted by Sille Beyer.  Dec. 9, 1852, Sept. 25, 1878. 19 times.

14.  Macbeth.  Tragedie i 5 Akter af W. Shakespeare.  Schiller’s version translated by Peter Foersom.  Music by Weyse.  July 28, 1844, Jan. 6, 1896. 37 times.

15.  Othello, Moren af Venedig.  Tragedie i 5 Akter af Shakespeare.  Translated by P.L.  Wulff.  Jan. 3, 1845, March 10, 1872. 10 times.

16.  Romeo og Julie.  Tragedie i 5 Akter af W. Shakespeare.  Translated by P. Foersom and A.E.  Boye.  From the sixth performance (April 4, 1880) probably in a new translation by Lembcke.  Nov. 11, 1852, July 12, 1899. 42 times.

17.  Viola.  Lystspil i 5 Akter efter Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night.  Translated and adapted by Sille Beyer.  From the thirteenth performance (Jan. 21, 1890) under the title Helligtrekongersaften, eller hvad man vil. (In Lembcke’s translation with music by Catherinus Elling.) Nov. 20, 1860, May 31, 1891. 30 times.

II.  Nationaltheatret.

The record of the Shakespearean performances at Nationaltheatret has been compiled from the summary of performances given in the decade 1899-1909 contained in Beretning om Nationaltheatrets Virksomhed i Aaret 1909-1910.  Kristiania, 1910.  The record of performances subsequent to 1910, as well as the date of the first performances of all plays, has been found in the Journal of the theater.

1.  Helligtrekongersaften. (Twelfth Night).  Oct. 5, 1899. 10 times.

2.  Trold Kan Taemmes. (The Taming of the Shrew.) Dec. 26, 1900. 35 times.

3.  En Sommernats Droem. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) Jan. 15, 1903. 20 times.

4.  Kjoebmanden i Venedig. (The Merchant of Venice) Sept. 5, 1906. 20 times.

5.  Hamlet.  Oct. 31, 1907. 17 times.

6.  Othello.  Oct. 22, 1908. 12 times.

7.  Henry IV.  Feb. 10, 1910. 10 times.

8.  As You Like It.  Nov. 7, 1912.  This play was still being given when the investigation ceased.  Ten performances had been given.


I. The First Theater in Bergen (1850-1863)

The information relating to Shakespeare at the old theater is gathered from T. Blanc:  Norges forste nationale Scene.  Bergen 1850-1863.  Et Bidrag til den norske dramatiske Kunsts Historie.  Kristiania, 1884.

Project Gutenberg
An Essay Toward a History of Shakespeare in Norway from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.