Dream Psychology eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about Dream Psychology.
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Dream Psychology eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about Dream Psychology.

I will test this in my own dream, and ask myself, What is the thought which, quite innocuous in its distorted form, provokes my liveliest opposition in its real form?  I remember that the free drive reminded me of the last expensive drive with a member of my family, the interpretation of the dream being:  I should for once like to experience affection for which I should not have to pay, and that shortly before the dream I had to make a heavy disbursement for this very person.  In this connection, I cannot get away from the thought that I regret this disbursement.  It is only when I acknowledge this feeling that there is any sense in my wishing in the dream for an affection that should entail no outlay.  And yet I can state on my honor that I did not hesitate for a moment when it became necessary to expend that sum.  The regret, the counter-current, was unconscious to me.  Why it was unconscious is quite another question which would lead us far away from the answer which, though within my knowledge, belongs elsewhere.

If I subject the dream of another person instead of one of my own to analysis, the result is the same; the motives for convincing others is, however, changed.  In the dream of a healthy person the only way for me to enable him to accept this repressed idea is the coherence of the dream thoughts.  He is at liberty to reject this explanation.  But if we are dealing with a person suffering from any neurosis—­say from hysteria—­the recognition of these repressed ideas is compulsory by reason of their connection with the symptoms of his illness and of the improvement resulting from exchanging the symptoms for the repressed ideas.  Take the patient from whom I got the last dream about the three tickets for one florin fifty kreuzers.  Analysis shows that she does not think highly of her husband, that she regrets having married him, that she would be glad to change him for some one else.  It is true that she maintains that she loves her husband, that her emotional life knows nothing about this depreciation (a hundred times better!), but all her symptoms lead to the same conclusion as this dream.  When her repressed memories had rewakened a certain period when she was conscious that she did not love her husband, her symptoms disappeared, and therewith disappeared her resistance to the interpretation of the dream.

This conception of repression once fixed, together with the distortion of the dream in relation to repressed psychical matter, we are in a position to give a general exposition of the principal results which the analysis of dreams supplies.  We learnt that the most intelligible and meaningful dreams are unrealized desires; the desires they pictured as realized are known to consciousness, have been held over from the daytime, and are of absorbing interest.  The analysis of obscure and intricate dreams discloses something very similar; the dream scene again pictures as realized some desire which regularly proceeds from the dream ideas, but the picture

Project Gutenberg
Dream Psychology from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.