Overland through Asia; Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 652 pages of information about Overland through Asia; Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar.

Overland through Asia; Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 652 pages of information about Overland through Asia; Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar.
1. Regular Army.              Peace-footing.  War-footing. 
Infantry.........   364,422        694,511
Cavalry..........    38,306         49,183
Artillery........    41,831         48,773
Engineers........    13,413         16,203
-------        -------
Total..................   457,875        808,670
2. Army of First Reserve. 
Troops of the line........   80,455         74,561
Garrison in regiments.....   80,455         23,470
Garrison in battalions....   19,830         29,862
-------        -------
Total...................  100,285        127,925
3. Army of Second Reserve. 
Troops of all arms........  254,036        199,380
-------      ---------
General total...........  812,096      1,135,975

Among the irregular troops of Russia, the most important are the Cossacks.  The country of the Don Cossacks contains from 600,000 to 700,000 inhabitants.  In case of necessity, every Cossack, from 15 to 60 years, is bound to render military service.  The usual regular military force, however, consists of 54 cavalry regiments, each numbering 1,044 men, making a total of 56,376.  The Cossacks are reckoned in round numbers as follows: 

In Military
Heads.    service. 
On the Black Sea............................ 125,000     18,000
Great Russian Cossacks on the Caucasian Line 150,000     18,000
Don Cossacks................................ 440,000     66,000
Ural Cossacks...............................  50,000      8,000
Orenburg Cossacks...........................  60,000     10,000
Siberian Cossacks...........................  50,000      9,000
-------    -------
Total..................................... 875,000    129,000

The Russian navy consists of two great divisions—­the fleet of the Baltic and that of the Black Sea.  Each of these two fleets is again subdivided into sections, of which three are in or near the Baltic and three in or near the Black Sea, to which must be added the small squadrons of galleys, gunboats, and similar vessels.

According to an official report, the Russian fleet consisted last year of 290 steamers, having 38,000 horse power, with 2,205 guns, besides 29 sailing vessels, with 65 guns.  The greater and more formidable part of this navy was stationed in the Baltic.  The Black Sea fleet numbered 43; the Caspian, 39; the Siberian or Pacific, 30; and the Lake Aral or Turkistan squadron, 11 vessels.  The rest of the ships were either stationed at Kronstadt and Sweaborg or engaged in cruising in European waters.

The iron-clad fleet of war consisted, at the commencement of 1868, of 24 vessels, with an aggregate of 149 guns, as follows: 

        2 Frigates, one of 18, and one of 24 guns.... 42 guns.
        3 Floating Batteries of 14, 16, and 27 guns.. 57 guns.
        2 Corvettes of 8 guns........................ 16 guns.
        6 Monitors of 2 guns each.................... 12 guns.
       11 Turret ships of 2 guns each................ 22 guns.
       —­ —–­
Total, 24 iron-clads with............................ 149 guns.

Project Gutenberg
Overland through Asia; Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.