Anabasis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about Anabasis.

Anabasis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about Anabasis.
Presently you made friends with us, and, thanks to us, by God’s help you have won this country, out of which to-day you seek to drive us; a country which we held by our own strength and gave to you.  No hostile force, as you well know, was capable of expelling us.  It might have been expected of you personally to speed us on our way with some gift, in return for the good we did you.  Not so; even though our backs are turned to go, we are too slow in our movements for you.  You will not suffer us to take up quarters even, if you can help it, and these words arouse no shame in you, either before the gods, or this Odrysian, in whose eyes to-day you are man of means, though until you cultivated our friendship you lived a robber’s life, as you have told us.  However, why do you address yourself to me?  I am no longer in command.  Our generals are the Lacedaemonians, to whom you and yours delivered the army for withdrawal; and that, without even inviting me to attend, you most marvellous of men, so that if I lost their favour when I brought you the troops, I might now win their gratitude by restoring them.”

As soon as the Odrysian had heard this statement, he exclaimed:  “For my part, Medosades, I sink under the earth for very shame at what I hear.  If I had known the truth before, I would never have accompanied you.  As it is, I return at once.  Never would King Medocus applaud me, if I drove forth his benefactors.”  With these words, he mounted his horse and rode away, and with him the rest of his horsemen, except four or five.  But Medosades, still vexed by the pillaging of the country, urged Xenophon to summon the two Lacedaemonians; and he, taking the pick of his men, came to Charminus and Polynicus and informed them that they were summoned by Medosades; probably they, like himself, would be warned to leave the country; “if so,” he added, 14 “you will be able to recover the pay which is owing to the army.  You can say to them, that the army has requested you to assist in exacting their pay from Seuthes, whether he like it or not; that they have promised, as soon as they get this, cheerfully to follow you; that the demand seems to you to be only just, and that you have accordingly promised not to leave, until the soldiers have got their dues.”  The Lacedaemonians accepted the suggestion:  they would apply these arguments and others the most forcible they could hit upon; and with the proper representatives of the army, they immediately set off.

On their arrival Charminus spoke:  “If you have anything to say to us, Medosades, say it; but if not, we have something to say to you.”  And Medosades submissively made answer:  “I say,” said he, “and Seuthes says the same:  we think we have a right to ask that those who have become our friends should not be ill-treated by you; whatever ill you do to them you really do to us, for they are a part of us.”  “Good!” replied the Lacedaemonians, “and we intend to go away as soon as those who won for you the people

Project Gutenberg
Anabasis from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.