The Grammar of English Grammars eBook

Goold Brown
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,149 pages of information about The Grammar of English Grammars.

The Grammar of English Grammars eBook

Goold Brown
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,149 pages of information about The Grammar of English Grammars.

Whichever, whichsoever, signif. and construc. of
    —­declension of.

Who, relative
    —­to what usually applied
    —­has superseded which, formerly applied to persons, ("Our Father
      WHO art” &c.,)
    —­to be preferred to which, in all personifications
    —­how differs from the rel. that
    —­Who, as rel. or interrog., declined,
    —­Whose, use of, for the defec. poss., of which
    —­Than whom, (see Than.)
    —­Who, interrog., what demands
    —­may be the anteced. of the rel. that
    —­Who, derivation of, from Sax.

Whoever, and whoso or whosoever, signif. and construc. of
    —­declens. of
    —­Whoso and whatso, antiq., import and use of,

Whole, improp. use of, for all. ("Almost the WHOLE inhabitants,” HUME.,).

Why, after nouns of cause, (see When, &c.)
    —­Why, wherefore, therefore, their class.

Will, verb, how varied
    —­use of, as a principal verb.

Wis, verb, pret. wist, signif. and use of
    —­Had I wist,

With, for and, (see Cum:)
    —­added to adv. of direc., with emphat. imperat. ("Up WITH it").
      Withal its class and construc. Without, obsol. use of, for
      unless or except. Withouten, paragog. and poet. form.
      Withinside of Won’t, whence formed; its pronunc.

Worcester, Dr. J. E., his Universal and Critical Dictionary WORDS,
    —­Word, defined.
    —­Words distinguished, and the divisions of, defined. 
    —­(See Compound Word.)
    —­Words, Rules for the figure of;
    —­simp., when compounding is to be avoided
    —­when to be joined, or to be written separately
    —­Words, the nature of, explained
    —­the consid. of, as comm., and as prop.,
    —­brevity sought in the comm. use of
    —­the identity of, in what consists
    —­unsettled and variable usage with respect to the figure of
    —­Words that may constitute diff. parts of speech, their construc.
      not to be left doubtf.
    —­the reference of, to other words, do.
    —­senselessly jumbled, charac. of
    —­entirely needless, how to be disposed of
    —­unintelligently misapplied, what indicates,
    —­Words, PUNCT. of:  in pairs; alternated; put absol.; in appos.;
    —­Words, derivation of, treated
    —­most of those regarded as primitives in Eng., may be traced to
      ulterior sources
    —­the study of, its importance
    —­how the knowledge of, may be promoted with respect to Eng.

Project Gutenberg
The Grammar of English Grammars from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.