Bhopal disaster

can anyone of the persons listed in "world richest persons" tell what they will say to god ,when he ask what the stupendous work he had done in his life despite being selfish&storing money..Icomment

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Two of the world richest persons, Mr bill gates and warren buffets have trust funds that are helping out some of the world's poorest persons and even nations.For God's sake it is not a crime to be rich, neither is it a sin.Worse still, it is even wrong to judge the rich based on myopic biased attitude calling them names like selfish and storing money.afterall it is their hard earned sweat and they are not stopping you nor the poor from getting your own money.The Rich should be encouraged to follow the footsteps of the twomen i have mentioned here while the poor should buy my book,'noticed rightly by god and men ,' on www. to see the way out of poverty.God did not condemn anyone to perpetualpoverty, this book couldmake the difference in your life today, get a copy and do not wait to be told.