History & Social Studies

How friendly were Britain, France, and Italy before the Abyssinian crisis?

How friendly were Britain, France, and Italy before the Abyssinian crisis?

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Britain and France were leading members of the League of Nations. Italy was also a member, but when Italy clashed with Abyssinia, they used the conflict as an excuse for invasion. As a result, the League of Nations placed a ban on all arms sales to Italy, and they also imposed a number of economic sanctions..... none of which were taken seriously. While all of this was going on, Britain and France made a secret deal, which was named the Hoare-Laval Pact, with Mussolini which allowed him to conquer large portions of Abyssinia. This act was detrimental to the League, tarnishing its reputation and credibility worldwide.

Britain and France are reputed to have remained on friendly terms with Italy because of the looming threat of war. When the League condemned Mussolini's actions, they refused to get involved, though they supported the League's condemnation.