English & Literature

Who is Suukmel Chirot u Vaadai from Children of God: A Novel and what is their importance? Children_of_God_(novel) English & Literature Suukmel Chirot u Vaadai | Children of God: A Novel

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The wife of Ma Gurah Vaadai, Ambassador of Mala Njer to the Kitheri court at Inbrokar on the planet Rakhat, Suukmel becomes the object of affection of the dictator Hlavin Kitheri, but agrees only to advise him and foster a child for him. Using her Runa maid, Taksayu, to gather information, Suukmel over sixteen years of marriage proves herself the power behind her husband's career. She argues that whatever his morals, Hlavin is making progress and bears watching. When Hlavin and Supaari both die in hand-to-hand combat, and Suukmel is also widowed, she makes her way to the the N'Jarr Valley where the Jana'ata have sworn no longer to eat Runa flesh. Many are on the brink of starvation.