English & Literature

Who is Stella Louise Mayfair from The Witching Hour: A Novel and what is their importance? The_Witching_Hour_(novel) English & Literature Stella Louise Mayfair | The Witching Hour: A Novel

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Stella Louise inherits the legacy from Mary Beth instead of Carlotta, because Carlotta does not want to help Lasher. Stella is therefore the tenth witch in the Mayfair family. She never bothers to marry when she gives birth to Antha. No one even knows who Antha's father is, although the Talamasca suspects it is either Lionel, her brother, or Julien, her uncle/grandfather, or Cortland, one of Julien's sons. Mary Beth adopts an illegitimate child, Nancy, and presents her as Stella's daughter. Stella likes to give big parties. She tries to get thirteen witches together to help Lasher come through, but she does not really understand Lasher's prophecy. Lionel kills Stella.