English & Literature

Who is Millenials from Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation /by Neil Howe and Bill Strauss ; Cartoons by R.J. Matson and what is their importance? Millennials_Rising:_The_Next_Great_Generation English & Literature Millenials | Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation /by Neil Howe and Bill Strauss ; Cartoons by R.J. Matson

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Millenials are the generation of people born between the years 1982 and 2002 and are the primary subject of the book. Numerically, they are the largest generation in American history and will likely reach 100 million members. The older Millenials are typically the children of Baby Boomers, and younger Millenials are usually the children of members of Generation X. While Millenials are most likely to identify the G.I. Generation as their grandparents, the Silent Generation actually makes up the bulk of their grandparents.