English & Literature

Who is Gina Damiano Giuliani and Celestina from Children of God: A Novel and what is their importance? Children_of_God_(novel) English & Literature Gina Damiano Giuliani and Celestina | Children of God: A Novel

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A beautiful middle-aged woman in Milan, Italy, Gina is divorced from playboy Carlo Giuliani and lives with their precocious daughter Celestina near the home of ex-Jesuit linguist Emilio Sandoz. She has the looks of a Renaissance angel with big brown eyes and dark curls. Keeping up with daughter Celestina gives her a tired look, however. She meets handsome Carlo while working for the gynecologist to whom he brings his mistress for an abortion. She is mesmerized by his good looks and charm but know he is a rat before marrying him. After one beating she files for divorce.