English & Literature

Who is Enrique Gomez (Poncy) from A Feast of Snakes and what is their importance? A_Feast_of_Snakes English & Literature Enrique Gomez (Poncy) | A Feast of Snakes

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Enrique Gomez, or Poncy, represents the victim in the story. Poncy is a Cuban male who immigrated to the United States many years ago. From the beginning, Willard and Joe Lon treat Poncy with disrespect boarding on harassment. Poncy is threatened, abused, laughed at, forced to do things he wouldn't normally do, and generally tormented by Candy, Willard, and Joe Lon. Joe Lon almost feels pity several times in the novel, but such emotions are quickly clouded over by rage. In the end, however, Poncy forgives Joe Lon for his abuses, noting that his behaviors are natural. Such actions show Poncy as not only a victim in the story.