English & Literature

Who is Elfie Mackey from A Feast of Snakes and what is their importance? A_Feast_of_Snakes English & Literature Elfie Mackey | A Feast of Snakes

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Elfie Mackey is the wife of Joe Lon, and the mother of his two children. Elfie is a loving wife and mother, but is constantly abused by her husband, who not only beats her but emotionally and verbally abuses her. Elfie cowers to her husband and clearly has a low self esteem. She puts up with Joe Lon's abuse and his drinking and even his habit of calling him by Berenice's name. However, when she is faced with his infidelity in her own home, Elfie tells Joe Lon she cannot look at her own children because he has made her ashamed. Later, however, she takes this back as Joe Lon begins to unravel. Elfie is a clear example in the story of a battered wife and of a woman who cares little for her self. She is the result of a culture of violence and alcoholism.