English & Literature

Who is Danielle Higgins (a.k.a Dannie) from Missing Links and what is their importance? Missing_Links_(novel) English & Literature Danielle Higgins (a.k.a Dannie) | Missing Links

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Dannie is a beautiful red headed woman who works at Ponky. To most of the Chops, Dannie is just one of the guys. She can play golf better than most of them, and she is just as quick with the crude jokes and profanity. To Ray, Dannie reveals another side. Dannie came from an impoverished family in Arkansas. Dannie's family had no money, but they instilled in her a sense of integrity and loyalty. She has big dreams about a life away from rural poverty, but she also has definite ideas on what constitutes integrity in people. When the wealth of The Mayflower Club is revealed to Dannie, she is initially dazzled by the opulence but later begins to balance the affluence against the more important human qualities she seeks.