English & Literature

Who is Baby Boomers from Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation /by Neil Howe and Bill Strauss ; Cartoons by R.J. Matson and what is their importance? Millennials_Rising:_The_Next_Great_Generation English & Literature Baby Boomers | Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation /by Neil Howe and Bill Strauss ; Cartoons by R.J. Matson

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Baby Boomers are the generation born between the years 1943 and 1960, and they are the parents of most of the older Millenials. Boomers' are mostly the children of members of the G.I. Generation. During their youths, Boomers rebel against the strict rules and strong institutions of their G.I. parents in favor of greater individual freedom, creativity, and spirituality. However, Boomers have a much better and less adversarial relationship with their own Millenial children. Boomers are the largest generation in American history at the time of their birth but are eclipsed in size with the coming of the Millenials. Boomers youthful rebellions help bring about civil rights reforms and the feminist revolution, which give greater freedom to previously disadvantaged groups. However, these social changes are also accompanied by negative trends among Boomers such as rising crime, drug abuse, and single parenthood. Boomers exert a great deal of political power to reorient the country to care for and attend to the needs of their Millenial children. Currently, Boomers hold most of the positions of power in America and are the generation most willing to use military force to exert America's power abroad. This willingness to use force can lead to a crisis that must be faced by Millenials and, if overcome, turn them into a Hero Generation.