English & Literature

What Nez Pierce beliefs and values does chief Joseph convey in his Lincoln Hall speech?

Lincoln hall speech what nez pierce beliefs and values are in the speech

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From the text:

Our fathers gave us many laws, which they had learned from their fathers. These laws were good. They told us to treat all men as they treated us; that we should never be the first to break a bargain; that it was a disgrace to tell a lie; that we should speak only the truth; that it was a shame for one man to take from another his wife, or his property without paying for it. We were taught to believe that the Great Spirit sees and hears everything, and that he never forgets; that hereafter he will give every man a spirit-home according to his deserts: if he has been a good man, he will have a good home; if he has been a bad man, he will have a bad home. This I believe, and all my people believe the same.


Chief Joseph, Lincoln Hall Speech